
Work in Progress for Software Engineering course project..

Primary LanguageHTML

Software Engineering Project

Tech used to build this project:

  • Flask Web Framework
  • HTML5, Bootstrap, JavaScript
  • PostgresSQL

To run the Project:

  • Install Python on your local machine
  • Create a python virtual enviroment
  • Activate the virtual enviroment
  • Clone the repository in the same directory
  • Run the comman "pip install -r requirements.txt"
  • Once the dependancies are installed, run the command "flask run"

About this Project

This is a project which allows students to register and share class notes with their classmates once the notes have been approved by the instructor.

The application allows both students and the faculty to register themselves.

The faculty can view all notes from students they are teaching and have the ability to approve or disapprove notes.

The students, once registered can view approved notes from their classmates for a perticular course

The university admin can assign students to specific courses as well as assign faculty to those courses.