Delivery is Simple Delivery management Application.

Store manager can create task for delivery boys.

Store manager can cancel task which not yet accpeted by delivery boy.

Store manager can view all tasks list and thier status on dashboard.

Deliver boy can Accept New Tasks from store.

Deliver boy can reject his/her task once accepted.

Deliver boy can view all his Past accepted tasks and completed tasks on dashboard.

Deliver boy can only accpet three tasks in his account if he accept more he/she needs to perform action on old tasks.

Setting up

Fork the project to your personal account and get a local copy on your machine. Change into the project folder.

Setup Virtual Environment for Delivery app

$ pyvenv venv (creates new virtualenv for project)
$ source venv/bin/activate (activate virtualenv assumeing using ubuntu)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt  (install dependencies)

Make sure to create migrations, create tables in db, and create a superuser to have an admin dashboard.

$ python makemigrations (creates migration files based on your models)
$ python migrate (creates the tables in your db based on the migration files)
$ python createsuperuser (creates a superuser for your application in the db)
$ python runserver (run server)
for storemanager
username : omega
password :ASDFGhjkl1@
for deliver boy
username : deliverboy-1
password : ASDFGhjkl1@

Now you should be able to view your app to view your admin dashboard use

http://localhost:8000/store/signin/  (for signup)
http://localhost:8000/store/tasks/    (store manager dashboard)
http://localhost:8000/deliver/tasks/ (deliverboy dashboard)
note: diliver boy and store manager are deifferent type accounts




