Deliver boy can only accpet three tasks in his account if he accept more he/she needs to perform action on old tasks.
Fork the project to your personal account and get a local copy on your machine. Change into the project folder.
Setup Virtual Environment for Delivery app
$ pyvenv venv (creates new virtualenv for project)
$ source venv/bin/activate (activate virtualenv assumeing using ubuntu)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt (install dependencies)
Make sure to create migrations, create tables in db, and create a superuser to have an admin dashboard.
$ python makemigrations (creates migration files based on your models)
$ python migrate (creates the tables in your db based on the migration files)
$ python createsuperuser (creates a superuser for your application in the db)
$ python runserver (run server)
Now you should be able to view your app to view your admin dashboard use
http://localhost:8000/store/signin/ (for signup)
http://localhost:8000/store/tasks/ (store manager dashboard)
http://localhost:8000/deliver/tasks/ (deliverboy dashboard)
note: diliver boy and store manager are deifferent type accounts