
A fast BRIEF Implementation for 256-dimensional 64-bit Binary Descriptors

Primary LanguageC++


A fast BRIEF Implementation for 256-dimensional 64-bit Binary Descriptors


This is a C++ method that allows you to calculate the BRIEF binary feature descriptors.


This method is approx. 8x faster than OpenCV's BRIEF method. The reason is that I am using a 64-bit strategy as opposed to the 8-bit strategy of OpenCV. Furthermore, my code is aggressively optimized. That is, the kernel contains mostly packed avx2 instructions.

Timing for a set of 500 features for 256-dimensional binary descriptors:

  • OpenCV: 2.5 ms
  • this version: 0.31 ms


  • 32-byte aligned plain arrays instead stl vectors
  • Gaussian pattern is divided into 4 256x1 contiguous arrays instead of a 256x4 matrices. Allows vectorization.
  • Complete unrolling of the i = 0 ... 256 loop
  • AVX2 masking (_mm256_movemask_epi8) and comparing (_mm256_cmpeq_epi8) and load-n-store removes need of bitshifting


PHOTO1: Assembly output shows nice and consistent packed instructions

PHOTO2: Intel intrinsics handle gathering and ordering of bits in a packed way:


  • Unroll loops by pre-processor
  • Try to speed up memory-bound bottleneck by AVX2 gather/scatter instructions


  • m4 (macro pre-processor)
  • Intel ispc SIMD compiler

How-To Install

Have a look at the CMake file. Just run it with your individual paths.


Feel free to contact me if you have questions or just want to chat about it.