
This is a browser based renderer for outputs of 3D neural networks

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a WebGL based renderer for following file formats:

  • vox, vox2, voxnoc (dense voxel grids)
  • ply, obj (meshes)
  • wrf (wireframe files)
  • .json (scene files, can be used in mitsuba)
  • jpg, png, gif (images)

If you want more file formats to be visualized, then open an issue and I'll write a shader for it as soon as I find some time

How-To Use

Just pase the absolute path of your file in the browser and it will render that file automatically:



  • No copying from server to local machine needed
  • No meshlab needed
  • No remote desktop needed
  • View outputs from anywhere
  • All you need is a browser
  • It's super fast to view predictions in the browser

I have seen people copy outputs to their local machine and visualize with meshlab lol. I believe this will save a lot of time.


Open firefox or chrome and goto:


.voxnoc (voxelwise rgb color)
.json (scene fileformat)
.ply (this is a black bunny lol)
.wrf (wireframe format)
.vox2 (this is a heatmap)

Get started

  1. Clone this repo
  2. cd repo-name (enter downloaded repository folder)
  3. Install nodejs (=npm) from https://nodejs.org/en/
  4. Run npm install for client-side
    • This will install all dependencies specified in package.json
  5. cd ./server/ && npm install for server side.
  6. Run ./build.sh to compile
  7. Run ./server/run.sh to start the server.
    • Note that this assumes that you use bash
  8. Go to localhost:8080/Viewer/[abspath-to-file]