
Software for beta layout reflow kit. UART interface With simple GUI

Primary LanguageC++


Software for beta layout reflow kit. UART interface With simple GUI


Florian Boudinet florian.boudinet@gmail.com


This software need : -Qt > 4.x sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui OR sudo apt-get install qtcreator OR http://qt.digia.com/Try-Qt-Now/ -Qwt http://qwt.sourceforge.net/ svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/qwt/code/branches/qwt-6.0 !!! WARNING!!!
QWT seems not to work with Qt5.X !! (For win) You need Qt4.8 !


cd ${ReflowKitSource}/ qmake make ./ReflowKitController

Troubleshooting with the compilation : Perhpase you will to edit ths .pro file, to add and link properly Qwt, and feet with your settings (LD_PATH, QWT source etc...)


the software use the SR232 Uart protocol to communicate with the device. Configuration : 9600 bauds, no parity, 1bit stop Path : For Linux, something like /dev/ttyUSBX For Windows, something like COM4, COM1 ...

Perhapse you will need to add some right to use Uart properly (root privilege, or add the current user to the /dev/tty permission)