
To demonstrate invoking a long-running Fargate task on demand using Lambda

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


To demonstrate invoking a long-running Fargate task on demand using Lambda

git clone https://github.com/skarlekar/tom-thumb.git cd bean-counter-service/pre-requisites/

Start of Prerequisites

./prereqs-ubuntu.sh aws configure set default.region us-east-1 aws configure set default.output json

Create ecsTaskExecutionRole and taskRole in IAM and note down the ARNs

source ./create-roles.sh

Create VPC, Subnets and Security groups for running Fargate

source ./create-vpc-subnets.sh

Create the ALB

source ./create-alb.sh

------------------ End of prerequisites

Create the ECR Repository

source ./create-tom-thumb-repository.sh

Build Docker image and push to ECR repository


Create the bean counter log group


Create the bean counter cluster


Generate bean counter task definition from the template


Register the bean counter task definition


Generate the run params for running the task


Run the task


Verify the results

Use a lambda to trigger the task

cd lambda

Identify a bucket that will notify the lambda when a video file is uploaded. Note down its ARN and set the S3_BUCKET_ARN variable.

EXPORT S3_BUCKET_ARN=arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name

Create the policies and roles required for the lambda to invoke the Fargate task

source ./create-lambda-role.sh

Create the log group required for the lambda to post logs to CloudWatch


Package the python code that has the function that will be triggered when a video file is uploaded


Create the lambda code from the zipped source code from the above step


S3 setup

Create a folder called 'video', 'thumbnail' and 'raw' in the S3 bucket that will be used for this project.

In the Console go to the Advanced Settings in the Properties tab of the bucket and create a notification event when a file is dropped into a particular folder in your S3 bucket.

Upload a video file in the 'video' folder of the bucket and verify a thumbnail is created in the 'thumbnail' folder. It will take around a minute for the process to complete depending upon the size of the video file.