
A markdown note-taking application that supports LaTeX and syntax highlighting

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MYnote.md is a minimalist Markdown note taking app made in Electron.js for writing elegant notes with LaTeX and syntax highlighting support

The name and theme is inspired by K-pop group aespa, and their mini-album "MY WORLD"


  • Source mode + Reading mode (Toggle with Ctrl/Cmd + E) to combine WYSIWYM and WYSIWYG
  • Syntax highlighting
  • LaTeX support
  • Color theme inspired by Dracula and Obsidian Things
  • Store notes locally as .md files and organize them in folders
  • Customizable styling via modifying the included CSS file index.css
  • Responsive document outline
  • Easily export notes as .pdf files
  • Quickly search for notes, or quickly search for keywords within notes


MYnote.md relies on the following as dependencies:

  • markdown-it: A fast and easy to use Markdown parser for JavaScript. More information about markdown-it here.
    • markdown-it-texmath: Add TeX math equations to your Markdown documents rendered by markdown-it parser. More information about markdown-it-texmath here
  • KaTeX: A fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web. More inforamtion about KaTeX here
  • highlight.js: Syntax highlighting for the Web. More information about highlight.js here
  • CodeMirror: A code editor component for the web. More information about CodeMirror here