
Our production-ready API to serve real-time English grammar and spell checking.

This API is CPU-optimized and uses fast, lightweight models while retaining a high level of accuracy.


  • Grammar and spell checkers built as a Flask endpoint, running on Gunicorn
  • NGINX reverse proxy for SSL termination and whitelisting
  • Certbot for SSL certification with a cron job for auto-renewal (Certbot directory is gitignored for security)
  • Containerized with Docker Compose
  • Deployed on AWS EC2

grammar rules

The following grammar rules are enforced based on dependency parse trees, POS tags, and morphological features. To suggest another rule or a modification of an existing one, you can visit my website for contact information.

  • Verbs after modals must be in base form
  • Adjective/adverb confusion
  • Adverbs cannot be used as the complement of a copula
  • Verbs are prepositions must be in base form
  • Passive voice detection
  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Complete sentence check
  • Copula/auxiliary verbs must agree with their subjects
  • Sentences must end with a punctuation
  • Sentences must begin with a capital word
  • Gerunds not at the beginning of a sentence must be part of a verb phrase
  • 'A' vs 'An'
  • 'I' must always be capitalized
  • Pronoun-antecedent agreement
  • Subjective pronouns cannot be used in the accusative case
  • Objective pronouns cannot be used in the nominal case
  • Some common homophones
  • Prepositions must be followed by a noun or another preposition
  • Prepositions cannot be preceded by a determiner or proper noun
  • Determiners must be followed by a noun or adjective