
A WordPress Plugin to put YUI3 widgets on posts and pages.

Primary LanguagePHP


With this WordPress Plugin, users can add YUI widgets to their posts and pages.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc

##Supported YUI Widgets

  • Charts
    • Pie charts
    • Multiple series charts
    • supports
      + legend
      + markers
      + customization
  • DataTables
    • Sortable
  • TabView
    • HTML markup in tab panels
    • Chart and DataTable widgets in tab panels
      [To top]

##Use shortcodes to add a widget to your post
###Available Shortcodes

  • [yuichart]
  • [yuidatatable]
  • [yuitabview][yuitab title='Tab1']...[/yuitab][yuitab title='Tab2']...[/yuitab][/yuitabview]

###The yuichart Shortcode

A Pie Chart

	title = 'Weekday Taxes'  
	type = 'pie'  
	filename = 'pieChart.csv'  
	showlegend = 1  

A Multiple Series Chart

	title = 'Five-Year Sales by Month'
		filename = 'combo.csv'
		type = 'combo'
		categorytype = 'category'
		cataxtitle = 'Month'
		catlabelrotation = '0'
		vax1title = 'Sales'
		vax1labelrotation = '0'
		vax1prefix = '\$'
		vax1suffix = '	'
		vax1decimalplaces = 0
	 	showareafill = 1
		showlines = 1 
		showmarkers = 1
		showlegend = 1
		hgridlines= 1
		vgridlines= 1

A Scatter Plot

	title = 'Ice Cream Sales vs Temperature °F'
	filename = 'scatter.csv'
	type = 'marker'
	categorytype = 'numeric'
	cataxtitle = 'Temperature'
	alwaysShowZero = 0
	catmin = 50
	catmax = 120
	catdecimalplaces = 0
	catlabelrotation = '-90'
	catlabelsuffix = ' °F'
	vax1min = 110
	vax1max = 420
	vax1title='Ice Cream Sales'
	vax1labelrotation = '0'
	vax1prefix = '\$'
	vax1decimalplaces = 2 
	showlines = 0 
	showmarkers = 1
	showareafill = 0 
	showlegend = 1
	hgridlines = 1
	vgridlines = 1

To display a legend

  • set showlegend to 1
  • set position to 'top', 'bottom', left', or 'right'
    the default position is 'right'

###The yuidatatable Shortcode
####A Sortable DataTable

	filename = 'tabledata.csv'  
	caption = 'Multiple-Series Data Table'  
	sortable = 1  

###The yuitabview Shortcode

A Simple example with HTML markup

	[yuitab title='But I Must Explain']  
		<h2>But I Must Explain</h2>
		<p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde ...</p>	 
	[yuitab title='Sed Ut Pespiciatis']  
		<h2>Sed Ut Pespiciatis</h2>
		<p>But I must explain to you how all this mistaken...</p>	 
	[yuitab title='On the other Hand']  
		<h2>On the other Hand</h2>
		<p>At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio...</p>	 

In this example, tabs contain charts and DataTables

	[yuitab title="But I Must Explain"]  
		<h2>But I Must Explain</h2	 
		<p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis...</p>	 
	[yuitab title="Weekday Taxes"]	 
		embed = 1	 
		index = 1  
		type = 'pie'  
		filename = 'pieChart.csv'  
	[yuitab title="Five-Year Sales by Month"]	 
		embed = 1	 
		index = 2  
		title = 'Five-Year Sales by Month'  
		filename = 'seriesChart.csv'  
		showmarkers = 1  
	[yuitab title = "Five-Year Sales by Month Data"]  
		filename = 'tableData.csv'  
		caption = 'Multiple-Series Data Table'  
		sortable = 1  

The rendered YUI3 TabView with enbedded YUI3 widgets can be viewed here.
[To top]

####Notes: When embedding a chart widget inside a tab panel, the following shortcode attributes must be set as follows:

  1. embed = 1
  2. index = x
    where x is the index of the tab in which the chart is embedded. Indices begin with 0 for the first tab, then 1, 2, etc...

###Shortcode for Specialized Charts

A Pareto Chart

	title = 'Pareto Chart' 
	type = 'pareto'  
	filename = 'pareto.csv'
	showlegend = 1

The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]

ABC Analysis

	title = 'ABC Analysis' 
	type = 'abc'
	filename = 'pareto.csv'
	showlegend = 1 

The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]

A Histogram

	title = 'Average SAT Math Score' 
	type = 'histogram'
		bins = 6
	filename = 'histogram.csv'
	showlegend = 1 

The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]

A MarkerSeries Chart or Scatter-Plot

	title = 'Study Hours vs. Exam Scores' 
	filename = 'scatter2.csv'
	type = 'marker'
	categorytype = 'numeric'
	cataxtitle = 'Study Hours' 
	alwaysShowZero = 1 
	catmax = 9
	catdecimalplaces = 1 
	catlabelrotation = '-90' 
	vax1decimalplaces = 0  
	vax1title = 'Exam Score' 
	vax1labelrotation = '0' 
	vax1min = 30 
	vax1max = 110
	showlegend = 1 
	hgridlines = 1 
	vgridlines = 1 

The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]

A MarkerSeries Chart with an Added Trenline

	title = 'Ice Cream Sales vs. Temperature °F' 
	filename = 'scatter.csv'
	type = 'marker'
	trendline = 1
	categorytype = 'numeric'
	cataxtitle = 'Temperature' 
	alwaysShowZero = 0
	catmin = 60
	catmax = 110
	catdecimalplaces = 0 
	catlabelrotation = '-90' 
	catlabelsuffix = ' °F'
	vax1min = 110 
	vax1max = 400
	vax1title = 'Ice Cream Sales' 
	vax1labelrotation = '0' 
	vax1prefix = '\$' 
	vax1decimalplaces = 2  
	showlegend = 1 
	hgridlines = 1 
	vgridlines = 1 

The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]

An Xbar Control Chart

	title = 'xBar Chart' 
	type = 'xbar'
	filename = 'control.csv'
	alwaysShowZero = 0 
	catdecimalplaces = 1 
	catlabelrotation = '-90' 
	showlines = 0  
	showmarkers = 0
	showareafill = 0 
	showlegend = 1 
	hgridlines = 1 
	vgridlines = 1 

The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]

An R Control Chart

	title = 'R Chart' 
	type = 'rchart'
	filename = 'control.csv'
	alwaysShowZero = 0 
	catdecimalplaces = 1 
	catlabelrotation = '-90' 
	showlines = 0  
	showmarkers = 0
	showareafill = 0 
	showlegend = 1 
	hgridlines = 1 
	vgridlines = 1 

The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]