With this WordPress Plugin, users can add YUI widgets to their posts and pages.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- yui-widgets-plugin
##Supported YUI Widgets
- Charts
- Pie charts
- Multiple series charts
- supports
+ legend
+ markers
+ customization
- DataTables
- Sortable
- TabView
- HTML markup in tab panels
- Chart and DataTable widgets in tab panels
[To top]
##Use shortcodes to add a widget to your post
###Available Shortcodes
- [yuichart]
- [yuidatatable]
- [yuitabview][yuitab title='Tab1']...[/yuitab][yuitab title='Tab2']...[/yuitab][/yuitabview]
###The yuichart Shortcode
title = 'Weekday Taxes'
type = 'pie'
filename = 'pieChart.csv'
showlegend = 1
- The data file pieChart.csv is loacated in the folder called data.
- To see the complete source for the YUI3 Pie Chart example, look at this Gist.
- To see this example in action on my blog, follow this link.
[To top]
title = 'Five-Year Sales by Month'
filename = 'combo.csv'
type = 'combo'
categorytype = 'category'
cataxtitle = 'Month'
catlabelrotation = '0'
vax1title = 'Sales'
vax1labelrotation = '0'
vax1prefix = '\$'
vax1suffix = ' '
vax1decimalplaces = 0
showareafill = 1
showlines = 1
showmarkers = 1
showlegend = 1
hgridlines= 1
vgridlines= 1
- The data file combo.csv is loacated in the folder called data.
- To see the complete source for the YUI3 Combo Chart example, look at this Gist.
- To see this example in action on my Word Press blog, follow this link.
[To top]
title = 'Ice Cream Sales vs Temperature °F'
filename = 'scatter.csv'
type = 'marker'
categorytype = 'numeric'
cataxtitle = 'Temperature'
alwaysShowZero = 0
catmin = 50
catmax = 120
catdecimalplaces = 0
catlabelrotation = '-90'
catlabelsuffix = ' °F'
vax1min = 110
vax1max = 420
vax1title='Ice Cream Sales'
vax1labelrotation = '0'
vax1prefix = '\$'
vax1decimalplaces = 2
showlines = 0
showmarkers = 1
showareafill = 0
showlegend = 1
hgridlines = 1
vgridlines = 1
- The data file scatter.csv is loacated in the folder called data.
- To see the complete source for the YUI3 Scatter Plot example, look at this Gist.
- To see this example in action on my Word Press blog, follow this link.
[To top]
To display a legend
- set showlegend to 1
- set position to 'top', 'bottom', left', or 'right'
the default position is 'right'
###The yuidatatable Shortcode
####A Sortable DataTable
filename = 'tabledata.csv'
caption = 'Multiple-Series Data Table'
sortable = 1
- The data file combo.csv is loacated in the folder called data.
- To see the complete source for the YUI3 DataTable example, look at this Gist.
- To see this example in action on my Word Press blog, follow this link.
[To top]
###The yuitabview Shortcode
[yuitab title='But I Must Explain']
<h2>But I Must Explain</h2>
<p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde ...</p>
[yuitab title='Sed Ut Pespiciatis']
<h2>Sed Ut Pespiciatis</h2>
<p>But I must explain to you how all this mistaken...</p>
[yuitab title='On the other Hand']
<h2>On the other Hand</h2>
<p>At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio...</p>
- To see the complete source for the YUI3 Simple TabView example with HTML markup, look at this Gist.
- To see this example in action on my Word Press blog, follow this link.
[To top]
[yuitab title="But I Must Explain"]
<h2>But I Must Explain</h2
<p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis...</p>
[yuitab title="Weekday Taxes"]
embed = 1
index = 1
type = 'pie'
filename = 'pieChart.csv'
[yuitab title="Five-Year Sales by Month"]
embed = 1
index = 2
title = 'Five-Year Sales by Month'
filename = 'seriesChart.csv'
showmarkers = 1
[yuitab title = "Five-Year Sales by Month Data"]
filename = 'tableData.csv'
caption = 'Multiple-Series Data Table'
sortable = 1
The rendered YUI3 TabView with enbedded YUI3 widgets can be viewed here.
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####Notes: When embedding a chart widget inside a tab panel, the following shortcode attributes must be set as follows:
- embed = 1
- index = x
where x is the index of the tab in which the chart is embedded. Indices begin with 0 for the first tab, then 1, 2, etc...
###Shortcode for Specialized Charts
title = 'Pareto Chart'
type = 'pareto'
filename = 'pareto.csv'
showlegend = 1
The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
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title = 'ABC Analysis'
type = 'abc'
filename = 'pareto.csv'
showlegend = 1
The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
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title = 'Average SAT Math Score'
type = 'histogram'
bins = 6
filename = 'histogram.csv'
showlegend = 1
The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]
title = 'Study Hours vs. Exam Scores'
filename = 'scatter2.csv'
type = 'marker'
categorytype = 'numeric'
cataxtitle = 'Study Hours'
alwaysShowZero = 1
catmax = 9
catdecimalplaces = 1
catlabelrotation = '-90'
vax1decimalplaces = 0
vax1title = 'Exam Score'
vax1labelrotation = '0'
vax1min = 30
vax1max = 110
showlegend = 1
hgridlines = 1
vgridlines = 1
The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]
title = 'Ice Cream Sales vs. Temperature °F'
filename = 'scatter.csv'
type = 'marker'
trendline = 1
categorytype = 'numeric'
cataxtitle = 'Temperature'
alwaysShowZero = 0
catmin = 60
catmax = 110
catdecimalplaces = 0
catlabelrotation = '-90'
catlabelsuffix = ' °F'
vax1min = 110
vax1max = 400
vax1title = 'Ice Cream Sales'
vax1labelrotation = '0'
vax1prefix = '\$'
vax1decimalplaces = 2
showlegend = 1
hgridlines = 1
vgridlines = 1
The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]
title = 'xBar Chart'
type = 'xbar'
filename = 'control.csv'
alwaysShowZero = 0
catdecimalplaces = 1
catlabelrotation = '-90'
showlines = 0
showmarkers = 0
showareafill = 0
showlegend = 1
hgridlines = 1
vgridlines = 1
The rendered Pareto Chart can be viewed here.
[To top]
title = 'R Chart'
type = 'rchart'
filename = 'control.csv'
alwaysShowZero = 0
catdecimalplaces = 1
catlabelrotation = '-90'
showlines = 0
showmarkers = 0
showareafill = 0
showlegend = 1
hgridlines = 1
vgridlines = 1