
A Job Scheduler sitting on top of IHostedService in dotnet.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Scheduling made easy

.NET NuGet NuGet


A Job Scheduler sitting on top of IHostedService in dotnet.

Often times one finds themself between the simplicity of the BackgroundService/IHostedService and the complexity of a full-blown Hangfire or Quartz scheduler. This library aims to fill that gap by providing a simple and easy to use job scheduler that can be used in any dotnet application and feels "native".

So no need for setting up a database, just schedule your stuff right away! The library gives you two ways of scheduling jobs:

  1. Instant jobs - just run a job right away
  2. Cron jobs - schedule a job using a cron expression


  • The ability to schedule jobs using a cron expression
  • The ability to instantly run a job
  • Parameterized jobs - instant as well as cron jobs!
  • Integrated in ASP.NET - Access your DI container like you would in any other service
  • Get notified when a job is done (either successfully or with an error).

Not features

As this is a simple scheduler, some features are not included by design. If you need these features, you might want to look into a more advanced scheduler like Hangfire or Quartz.

  • Job persistence - Jobs are not persisted between restarts of the application.
  • Job history - There is no history of jobs that have been run.
  • Retries - If a job fails, it is not retried.
  • Progress state - There is no way to track the progress of a job. The library will support notifying when a job is done, but not the progress of the job itself.
  • The job scheduler always uses UTC time. We might change that in the future.

Short example

  1. Import the namespace (or let your IDE do the dirty work)
using LinkDotNet.NCronJob;
  1. Create a job
public class PrintHelloWorld : IJob
    private readonly ILogger<PrintHelloWorld> logger;

    public PrintHelloWorld(ILogger<PrintHelloWorld> logger)
        this.logger = logger;

    public Task RunAsync(JobExecutionContext context, CancellationToken token)
        logger.LogInformation("Hello World");
        logger.LogInformation("Parameter: {Parameter}", context.Parameter);

        return Task.CompletedTask;
  1. Register the NCronJob and the job in your Program.cs
builder.Services.AddNCronJob(options =>
    options.AddJob<PrintHelloWorld>(j => 
        // Every minute and optional parameter
        j.WithCronExpression("* * * * *")
         .WithParameter("Hello World");
  1. Run your application and see the magic happen

Triggering an instant job

If the need arises and you want to trigger a job instantly, you can do so:

public class MyService
  private readonly IInstantJobRegistry jobRegistry;
  public MyService(IInstantJobRegistry jobRegistry) => this.jobRegistry = jobRegistry;

  public void MyMethod() => jobRegistry.RunInstantJob<MyJob>("I am an optional parameter");

Getting notified when a job is done

NCronJob provides a way to get notified when a job is done. For this, implement a IJobNotificationHandler<TJob> and register it in your DI container.

builder.Services.AddNCronJob(options =>
    options.AddCronJob<PrintHelloWorld>(j => 
        // Every minute and optional parameter
        j.WithCronExpression("* * * * *")
         .WithParameter("Hello World");
    .AddNotificationHandler<MyJobNotificationHandler, PrintHelloWorld>());

This allows to run logic after a job is done. The JobExecutionContext and the Exception (if there was one) are passed to the Handle method.

public class MyJobNotificationHandler : IJobNotificationHandler<MyJob>
    private readonly ILogger<MyJobNotificationHandler> logger;

    public MyJobNotificationHandler(ILogger<MyJobNotificationHandler> logger)
        this.logger = logger;

    public Task HandleAsync(JobExecutionContext context, Exception? exception, CancellationToken token)
        if (exception is not null)
            logger.LogError(exception, "Job failed");
            logger.LogInformation("Job was successful");
            logger.LogInformation("Output: {Output}", context.Output);

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Advanced Cases

Scheduling multiple schedules for the same job

If you want to schedule a job multiple times, you can do so by calling utilizing the builder:

Services.AddNCronJob(options =>
    options.AddJob<PrintHelloWorld>(j => 
        j.WithCronExpression("* * * * *")
         .WithParameter("Hello World")
         .WithCronExpression("0 * * * *")
         .WithParameter("Hello World Again");

Log Level

The NCronJob scheduler can be configured to log at a specific log level.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
      "LinkDotNet.NCronJob": "Debug"

Migration from v1 to v2

Version 2 of NCronJob brings some breaking changes to mae a better API.

CronExpression moved towards builder

  • In v1 one would define as such:
services.AddCronJob<PrintHelloWorld>(options => 
    options.CronExpression = "* * * * *";
    options.Parameter = "Hello World";

With v2 the CronExpression is moved towards the builder pattern and AddCronJob is merged into AddNCronJob:

Services.AddNCronJob(options => 
    options.AddJob<PrintHelloWorld>(j => 
        j.WithCronExpression("* * * * *")
         .WithParameter("Hello World");

This allows to easily define multiple jobs without adding much boilerplate code.

Services.AddNCronJob(options => 
    options.AddJob<PrintHelloWorld>(p => p
        .WithCronExpression("0 * * * *").WithParameter("Foo")
        .WithCronExpression("0 0 * * *").WithParameter("Bar"));

Support & Contributing

Thanks to all contributors and people that are creating bug-reports and valuable input:
