
Blogging platform build with Java 8, Spring Boot v2.2.6, Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, H2-in-memory-database, Lombok, Thymeleaf and Maven.

Primary LanguageJava

Blogging platform (made with Spring Boot)

Simple blogging platform project I made as started to learn Spring framework.

Live Demo (runs on FreeBSD 12)


About the project

Application made using:
Java 8,
Spring Boot v2.2.6,
Spring Web,
Spring Data JPA,
Spring Security,

Unregistered/anonymous blog users can view all posts and comments;
Registered and logged in users (Authenticated users) can add new posts, view only their own posts, edit or delete them (CRUD functionality);
Users can write comments to particular posts by own or other users;
Validation for creating new posts, body must not be empty, title must have length of 7 by default and other;
Spring Security authentication and authorization rules ensures that users only able to edit or delete their own posts;
Front-end made using Thymeleaf templates.

Made an effort to write clean OOP code to my Date.past() best understanding, like separation of concerns and encapsulation of internal workings of the class to hide details from outside while providing a simple interface to work with a class and there should be no to little pain adding new functionality.
(Please be forgiving it was my first Spring app and first steps into OOP)

How to set up the application

Open terminal and use git clone command to download the remote GitHub repository to your computer:

git clone https://github.com/skarware/spring-boot-blog-app.git

It will create a new folder with same name as GitHub repository "spring-boot-blog-app". All the project files and git data will be cloned into it. After cloning complete change directories into that new folder:

cd spring-boot-blog-app

How to use

To launch the application run this command (uses maven wrapper):

$ ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run

Or using your installed maven version:

$ mvn clean spring-boot:run

For interacting with application one can use a browser. By default, application uses Tomcat which listening on port: 8080, means you can reach it if run on a local machine by hitting URL http://localhost:8080.