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Express | IronTumblr


We have learned how to upload files and now is the time to practice this a bit more.


  • Fork this repo
  • Clone this repo


Upon completion, run the following commands:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "done"
$ git push origin master

Create Pull Request so your TAs can check up your work.


Tumblr is an ultra-popular micro-blogging website.

A micro-blog is:

A social media site to which a user makes short, frequent posts.

This is easier shown than described, so check out this tumblr filled with funny dog memes.

Iteration 1: User Profile Pictures

In the starter code, we have already provided the user model and the authentication logic. Unfortunately, the user doesn't have a profile picture.

Fix the User Registration so that it allows the user to upload a file as their profile image.

Iteration 2: Posts

In this iteration, create the bread and butter of Tumblr - the posts.

A post should have the following attributes (this actually describes the Post model):

  • content - the text belonging to the post
  • creatorId - ObjectId of the post's creator
  • picPath - where the picture is stored
  • picName - the picture's name

For this iteration you must create the model, along with the (get) post-form, (post) create, (get) posts and (get) post-details routes. The create route should include file uploading.

A user should be logged in to create a post, but not to view it.

The posts will be the home page, and simply display all of the posts on the website.

Iteration 3: Comments

Posts have comments attached to them. Create the Comment model as a sub-document of the Post.

A comment can have images attached to it, but not all do, so it is not required.

The Comment model should have the following attributes:

  • content
  • authorId
  • imagePath
  • imageName

You should create routes to create new comments. Comments should be displayed on the details page of a single post.

Iteration 4: Deployment

The last step in IronTumblr should be to deploy to Heroku. Don't forget to deploy your database on MongoLab/Mongo Atlas.

Your site should be live and functioning with a working public URL.

Happy coding! ❤️