MagicMirror² module - DVB (Dresden public transport) station monitor

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Station monitor for the Dresden local transport (DVB) bus, tram and train system.

This module is an extension of the MagicMirror² project by MichMich.

English version


  1. Navigate into your MagicMirror's modules folder.
  2. Execute git clone https://github.com/skastenholz/MMM-DVB.git.
  3. Execute cd MMM-DVB.
  4. Execute npm install.


Sample minimum configuration entry for your ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js:

   module: 'MMM-DVB',
   position: 'top_left',
   config: {
      stopName: 'Hauptbahnhof' // Which stop would you like to have displayed?

Sample configuration entry for your ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js with optional parameters:

   module: 'MMM-DVB',
   position: 'top_left',
   config: {
      stopName: 'Hauptbahnhof', // Which stop would you like to have displayed?
      timeOffset: 5,  // With how many minutes in advance should connections be displayed?
      resultNum: 5, // How many connections should be displayed?
      lines: ["1", "2"], // What lines should be displayed?
      directions: ["Striesen"], // What directions should be displayed?
      reload: 60000, // How often should the information be updated? (In milliseconds)
      noTableHeader: false, // suppress table header if true
      showRelative: true //show relative time to departure from the current moment (if less than 15 minutes) 

