This project was developed as a part of a series of projects for practicing angular.
In this project the goal is practice Angular forms within both approaches. The topics covered are:
- Creating the form and registering the controls
- Submiting and using the form
- Understanding of form states (touched, valid, etc.)
- Accesing the form with ViewChild (Template Driven)
- Built in validators
- Outputing validation messages
- Default values with ngModel property binding (Template Driven)
- Grouping form controls
- Handling radio buttons
- Setting and patching form values
- Reseting forms
- Array of form controls (Reactive)
- Custom validators and custom async validators (Reactive)
NodeJs and AngularCLI are required.
Perform a git clone to a local directory, and then:
npm install
After install the dependencies:
ng serve
- Angular - The web framework used
- Bootstrap@3 - The CSS framework
- [Chance] ( - Chance is a minimalist generator of random [1] strings, numbers, etc.
- Iván Taghavi