
My template for rapid-prototyping with html5 and middleman

Primary LanguageRuby



Starting point for website prototyping. All the tools that help presenting first wireframes ASAP.


  • bootstrap 3 - scss, js version
  • middleman - deploys, runs static sites, builds everything, intergrates with compass
  • scss - nobody writes just css anymore, I prefer scss over sass or less.
  • haml - less closing tags - less typing.
  • compass - css's best practices in one place
  • jquery 1.9.0 - (from CDN) required by bootstrap
  • html5shiv - probably modernizer is a better choice, but html5shiv requires no time from my side.


Clone into ~/.middleman (you'll have to create this directory yourself). You can then use it with the --template flag on middleman init.

  1. $ git clone git://github.com/skatkov/middleman-prototype.git ~/.middleman/prototype
  2. $ middleman init my_new_project --template=prototype

For more help follow Middleman's project template instructions