
Miniflux client that deliveres updates to email.

Primary LanguageGo

Miniflux Email Client

Miniflux Cliet to send feed updates over email.

Fork it and use it!


There are plenty of "RSS-over-email" services out there - mailbrew, briefcake or tacodigest as example. This project aims to rebuild essential features of those services, but using git + CI + SMTP. In most cases, these things could be used free of charge and available with open source github/gitlab repo.


  • Github repo + CI support
  • A Miniflux instance with an account
  • SMTP account (I use gmail, but make sure it's not you're main gmail account if you do)


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Retrieve miniflux API token
  3. Configure gmail smtp based on a following guide
  4. Modify .github/workflows/daily_run.yml file
  5. Add github/action secrets (SMTP_SERVER, SMTP_USERNAME and SMTP_PASSWORD are required)

Github Action

Every 3 months github will ask if you want to keep running daily actions. Click "yes", if you want to continue receiving updates.


I use this project myself daily, it's not feature complete, but it works stably. I'd encourage leaving your feedback and contributions.

Current plan includes:

  • Generalize email configuration, so not only GMAIL could be used.
  • Improve email design - add table of contents, improve template
  • Introduce PLAIN TEXT emails
  • Ability to provide multiple categories
  • Ability to not provide any categories at all
  • Ability to limit number of RSS updates sent out daily
  • make project easier to maintain (simplify, write tests and etc)