
Small C compiler designed in https://www.sigbus.info/compilerbook (Japanese).

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Small C compiler designed in https://www.sigbus.info/compilerbook (Japanese).

Development on macOS

This repository is being developed on macOS, while the above book explains how to write a compiler for Linux. To solve this mismatch, Docker is used to emulate compilation and testing for Linux on macOS.

This repository's Makefile is configured to support this situation, and if your OS is macOS and you have Docker for Mac installed, make test automatically runs tests inside a Linux container where GCC is installed.

$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.13.6
BuildVersion:   17G8030

$ make test
docker container run \
                --rm \
                --mount type=bind,source=/Users/skatsuta/src/github.com/skatsuta/9cc,target=/src,consistency=delegated \
                --workdir /src \
                gcc make test
cc -std=c11 -g -static   -c -o token.o token.c
cc -std=c11 -g -static   -c -o main.o main.c
cc -std=c11 -g -static   -c -o parse.o parse.c
cc -std=c11 -g -static   -c -o codegen.o codegen.c
cc -o 9cc token.o main.o parse.o codegen.o

Currently supported syntax of C

Currently this compiler supports the following subset of C language syntax:

program       = (global-var | function)*
basetype      = ("char" | "int" | struct-decl | typedef-name) "*"*
struct-decl   = "struct" ident
              | "struct" ident? "{" struct-member* "}"
struct-member = basetype ident ("[" num "]")* ";"
global-var    = basetype ident ("[" num "]")* ";"
function      = basetype ident "(" params? ")" "{" stmt* "}"
params        = param ("," param)*
param         = basetype ident
stmt          = "if" "(" expr ")" stmt ("else" stmt)?
              | "while" "(" expr ")" stmt
              | "for" "(" expr ";" expr ";" expr ")" stmt
              | "return" expr ";"
              | "{" stmt* "}"
              | "typedef" basetype ident ("[" num "]")* ";"
              | declaration
              | expr ";"
declaration   = basetype ident ("[" num "]")* ("=" assign)? ";"
              | basetype ";"
expr          = assign
assign        = equality ("=" assign)?
equality      = relational ("==" relational | "!=" relational)*
relational    = add ("<" add | "<=" add | ">" add | ">=" add)*
add           = mul ("+" mul | "-" mul)*
mul           = unary ("*" unary | "/" unary)*
unary         = ("+" | "-" | "&" | "*" | "sizeof")? unary
              | postfix
postfix       = primary ("[" expr "]" | "." ident | "->" ident)*
primary       = stmt-expr
              | "(" expr ")"
              | ident func-args?
              | str
              | num
stmt-expr     = "(" "{" stmt stmt* "}" ")"
func-args     = "(" (assign ("," assign)*)? ")"