
Erlang library to compile SCSS files

Primary LanguageErlang


Erlang library to compile SCSS files.

Uses the libsass project.


Add stylish to your rebar deps (or mix deps if you are running Elixir).

% with default options

% with options
stylish:compile(<<>>"path/to/anything.scss">>, [<<"style">>, <<"compressed">>])

Return values

  • For string output, if compilation is a success: {ok, CompiledCss}

  • For file output (file path passed to output option), if compilation is a success: ok

  • If there is a compile error, then {error, Error}


The following options can be passed in the second argument. All options must be binaries

  • line_numbers - false (default) or true. Displays line numbers.

  • compress - false (default) or true.

  • load_paths - an array of paths to use as load paths for SASS imports. All paths must be erlang binaries.

  • output - If you want the resulting CSS written to a file, then pass a path (as a binary). By default a string is returned.

  • source_map - false (default) or true. Generates source maps if output option is set.