Portuguese Version

My Framework

A project created for study and portfolio, based on other PHP frameworks and their strategies and resources.


This is a project created for study, so I can visualize, analyze, and rebuild functionalities of other frameworks.

Enhance my understanding of how the PHP language works and, along the way, improve the products and systems I develop.

I'm using GitHub Projects for task management: Project


The initial idea is a replica of Laravel, which is the framework I have the most understanding and mastery of.

However, it doesn't exclude the possibility of including features from other existing frameworks.


The system is being built with PHP 8.3. I'll be upgrading the minimum version based on the new PHP releases.


Features are being developed over time.

  • Service Container: The service container is already functional and tested, it's in an initial state with the following features:

    • Class Resolver: The container will create an instance of the class and return the instance.
    • Constructor Parameter: If the class has parameters in the constructor, they will be resolved/injected, if they are other classes, the container will repeat the process to return the instance to the constructor of the initial class.
    • Bindings: Creates a link to a string to an instance of a class/function/others, for easy retrieval from anywhere in the application.
  • Facades: These are classes to facilitate access to other classes, acting as shortcuts.

  • Routes: A routing system using PHP 8 attributes

    • Exact Routes
    • Routes with parameters
    • Route Names
    • Routes with multiple HTTP methods
    • Route Groups
  • Database

    • QueryBuilder
    • ORM


The code is being developed with tests via PestPHP.


Applications made with this framework: