
A record of my learning path.

Wait the acron to grow.

I shall update this file everyday, as a record of my learning path.


  • Database system concepts: reading chapter 13.3, 14.8
  • Maybe I should know what is a B+ tree before I learn the log structure merged tree
  • The idea of the lvalue and rvalue in c++ 11, move semantics and move constructor
  • Leetcode: three sum


  • Watching csapp lecture13 about linker.
  • Learn how to implement the stack and queue using linked list or array in Java.
  • Some basic c program.


  • Static library and shared library, how to link the main.c file with these libraries.
  • More details about the log structure tree, tradeoffs, how to compact the records.
  • Start learning the official cmake toturial (really good resource for people who knows nothing about cmake at all, just like me)


  • Index-organised storage, details of data representation in a tupe in the page
  • Exception control flow, some concepts of process, the fork() API


  • wait() and execve() API


  • Some basic Go syntax, learn the Test-Driven-Development
  • Two leetcode, two sum and merge linked list (in Go)