- 3
TabPanel not recognized as component
#90 opened by JEMasonMedia - 0
Left side menu android issue
#89 opened by satya051988 - 0
The documents are out of date.
#88 opened by JustinMinnaar - 0
missing component
#87 opened by fahadTheTechIdea - 4
Cannot change color on Table Header
#84 opened by Julianh9 - 1
TableCell short text
#86 opened by kevinvenclovas - 1
- 5
Unable to upgrade to 5.2.0
#80 opened by Julianh9 - 1
Input field double, decimal
#83 opened by kevinvenclovas - 1
#82 opened by kevinvenclovas - 0
#81 opened by kevinvenclovas - 6
class="mt-3 ml-n1 pa-1 ..."
#47 opened by henon - 4
TextField MaxLength
#29 opened by mariohik - 6
TextField two-way binding
#33 opened by CsabaStupak - 4
- 5
TextField multiline doesn't have "rows" option
#64 opened by bbmerong - 22
Breaking changes in 5.0.0 release
#58 opened by skclusive - 3
Unhandled exception rendering component: Cannot read property 'insertBefore' of null
#77 opened by gkarnik333 - 2
- 1
- 9
Hidden no longer works in v5.0.0
#67 opened by esso23 - 3
- 5
Theme issues with culture
#71 opened by esso23 - 10
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '&'
#36 opened by CsabaStupak - 2
Tabs with links
#30 opened by esso23 - 1
ThemeProvider errors in v5.0.0-rc1
#66 opened by esso23 - 3
Badge no longer works in v5.0.0
#68 opened by esso23 - 3
TextField Outlined
#65 opened by jstojiljkovic - 2
Open Menu with Button into Table Row
#62 opened by HClausing - 14
Button: Ripple not working in Blazor Server
#45 opened by henon - 2
- 3
Help: Click on card -> go to other page
#61 opened by kevinvenclovas - 1
404 open in new Browserwindow
#60 opened by kevinvenclovas - 3
Typography Responsive Size
#57 opened by Danielgfonseca - 0
Move component specific scripts from Material.Script to respective components
#59 opened by skclusive - 12
- 4
- 2
Card @onclick not working
#35 opened by sebastian-stupak - 1
Edge support
#46 opened by henon - 2
Link component in WebAssembly
#54 opened by viniwrubleski - 10
Could not find 'Skclusive' in 'window' with multiple circuits in server side dashboard demo
#56 opened by BrunoZell - 5
Components Overview - Implemented vs Missing
#41 opened by henon - 2
- 2
How to using Tab component?
#50 opened by peteryulius - 0
To namespace component class names via theming
#49 opened by skclusive - 6
- 2
RTL Direction
#43 opened by T-Alkathiri - 6
Chip and ChipSet
#42 opened by henon - 1
Component: Select
#38 opened by esso23 - 1
Stepper Component
#32 opened by komsanb