Simple Product Management System

This project demonstrates a simple product management system with features like adding products to a database and displaying them. The project uses HTML for front-end, PHP for server-side scripting, and MySQL for database management.

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to set up the project on your local machine.


Make sure you have the following software installed:

  • XAMPP or a similar local server environment.
  • A web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).


git clone
  1. Start your XAMPP server and ensure that Apache and MySQL are running.

    sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
  2. Create a MySQL database named shoe_store.

    CREATE DATABASE shoe_store;
    USE shoe_store;
  3. Create a products table in the database.

    CREATE TABLE products (
        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        price DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL

Import The sql file to the database shoe_store

  1. Copy the project files to your XAMPP's htdocs directory.

  2. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/web/index.php.

  3. Use the provided form to add products to the database.


  • insert_product.html: HTML file with a form for adding products.
  • insert_product.php: PHP file that processes the form data and inserts products into the database.


Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues or submitting pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.