
A PHP script to upload any files dropped into a directory to Flickr.

This is a simple little script, meant to run in perpetuity, that will synchronize a directory on your computer with Flickr.

1. Sign up for a Flickr API key and secret: http://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/
2. Set the first two variables at the top of the page appropriately.
3. Run php flickrsync.php ... And follow the instructions!

When it's running, what it will do:
1. Check the source folder for **ANY** files
2. Upload any new files to Flickr
3. Move the files to the destination directory

So, if you want any image put on Flickr, you can just drop it into the source folder.

This was designed to work in tandem with an Automator script, or any other kind of software that automagically snaps a photo and drops it into a specified folder. Think of a live streaming event on Flickr!

This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL version 2.0 or later. 