
Your very own command-line file custodian! Find duplicate files and other helpful tools.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

sweepster sweepster

Your very own command-line file custodian! Find duplicate files, and other helpful tools.


sweepster is a file custodian; a helpful tool which keeps your computer tidy and free of clutter! Written in Rust, sweepster is designed with performance in-mind.


To setup sweepster as an available command from the command line, move the executable file (sweepster [Unix], sweepster.exe [Windows]) to the appropriate platform-dependent directory which houses command-line executable files. For Unix, this is typically /bin or /usr/bin. For Windows, this is typically C:\WINDOWS\System32; however, any directory which is a PATH system variable will work. The PATH is the system variable that your operating system uses to locate needed executables from the command line or Terminal window.


Sweepster is a command-line tool run like any other, such as "vi" or "nc". After correct setup, simply run "sweepster" in your command line with an ACTION and a TARGET, followed by flags.


    • -a --action
    • "search" - Self explanatory :)
    • "sweep" - Delete files
    • "store" - Create an "archive" of a specified directory. An archive is a new folder which has an identical folder structure as the original, and which contains all files from the original which were last modified before a given cutoff date
    • "Sweepster" - Runs the application in a more user-friendly, menu-and-prompt-style interface.
    • -t --target
    • Specify a valid filepath to a target directory. A target directory is the directory upon which the action is being taken.


    • -o --option
    • "duplicates" - Identify files which are duplicates of one another based on a given criteria.
    • "by_criteria" - Identify files which match a given criteria.
    • -c --criteria
    • "by_name" - By file name (extension included)
    • "by_contents" - By the byte contents of the files
    • "by_type" - By file type (extension)
    • "by_last_modified" - Self explanatory :)
    • "empty_directories" - Self explanatory :)
    • -n --file-names
    • Specify file names to search for, separated by a single space
    • -e --file-extensions
    • Specify file types (extensions) to search for, case-sensitive, separated by a single space
    • -d --cutoff-date
    • Specify a cutoff date to search for, or to create an archive from; format as YYYY-mm-dd
    • -i --include-extension
    • Present - Include the file extension as part of the file name
    • Not present - Don't include the file extension as part of the file name
    • -p --print [by_contents only]
    • Present - Print every file comparison as it occurs; nice for checking progress
    • Not present - Don't print file comparisons; only print matches
    • -v --csv-path
    • Specify a valid filepath to a csv file containing the results of the search
    • -s --storage-path
    • Specify a valid filepath to a storage directory

Running "sweepster -h" lists each of the different flag options, shown below:

Usage: sweepster [OPTIONS] <ACTION> <TARGET>


  -o, --option <OPTION>                    
  -c, --criteria <CRITERIA>                
  -n, --file-names <FILE_NAMES>            
  -e, --file-extensions <FILE_EXTENSIONS>  
  -d, --cutoff-date <CUTOFF_DATE>          
  -i, --include-extension                  
  -p, --print                              
  -v, --csv-path <CSV_PATH>                
  -s, --storage-path <STORAGE_PATH>        
  -h, --help                               Print help
  -V, --version                            Print version


sweepster search example/directory -o duplicates -c by_contents -p

Executing this command will search the folder at target example/directory for (option) duplicate files based on the criteria of their file contents, printing each comparison as it occurs

sweepster sweep example/directory -o by_criteria -c by_name -n test testing

Executing this command will sweep the folder at target example/directory for (option) files which are (criteria) named any of the following: test, testing (file extension [include-extension] NOT included)