Local setup

Set up Python environment for bot

First, make sure that the python3 version being used for this installation is >= 3.6 and <3.7. due to pip not working, install pip after creating venv: https://askubuntu.com/questions/488529/pyvenv-3-4-error-returned-non-zero-exit-status-1

cd <trading_system_platform_dir>
python3 -m venv venv --without-pip
source venv/bin/activate
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Make sure serverless is installed globally: npm install -g serverless

Install serverless plugins in repo: npm install --save serverless-python-requirements

Set up Python environment for ipython notebooks

Due to ipython requiring different dependencies from the app, a separate environment is configured via an environment.yml file.

Install Anaconda.

Create the "arbitrage" environment from the environment.yml file

Start the Anaconda application and select the "arbitrage" environment. Run any notebook in "notebooks".

Set up Pycharm

Set the python binary in the virtual environment as the project interpreter.

Set NoseTests as the test runner so that tests can be run from Pycharm.

Set environment variables:

Copy .app_bash_profile.sample to .app_bash_profile.

See src/properties/ab_properties.py for an understanding of the environment variables used. Look at the "environment.variables" property of the lambda configurations in terraform/lambda.tf for an understanding of the variables used in production. Parameter store is used to populate other env variables not seen in the terraform configuration.

EXPORT LIMITEDUSER_PG_PASSWORD=<local-limiteduser-password>
EXPORT PROD_PG_PASSWORD=<rds-host-password>
EXPORT RDS_HOST=<rds-host>



install postgres: brew install postgresql

Login via superuser and create a role,

CREATE ROLE <username> WITH PASSWORD <password> 

Choose a different password from your superuser password. The reason you create a new role is so that your superuser credentials are less likely to be compromised.

See here for more details.

Then create the market_data database:

createdb <username>
psql -U <username>
create database market_data;

AWS setup

Package AWS lambda and deploy Terraform infrastructure

deploy_lambda.sh - runs terraform apply as part of the script. deploy_lambda.sh stage deploys any "dev" versions of the lambdas. deploy_lambda.sh prod deploys the prod versions.

Add exchange API secrets to AWS Parameter Store

Create an API key for each exchange that is being arbitraged. Record the key and secret.

Go to the parameter store console and add a new parameter that is a dictionary consisting of the credentials for exchange.

{ <exchange1_name>: {"key": "<exchange1_key>", "secret": "<exchange1_secret>"} <exchange2_name>: {"key": "<exchange2_key>", "secret": "<exchange2_secret>"} }


# bump "version" field in setup.py

Set up remote IDE


Install python 3

Set up files

./deploy_lambda staging scp -i ~/.aws/bastion_host.pem /.aws/credentials ec2-user@ scp -i /.aws/bastion_host.pem /dist/staging/arbitrage_bot.zip ec2-user@ ssh -i ~/.aws/bastion_host.pem ec2-user@

ec2-user@ cd ~ ec2-user@ mkdir arbitrage_bot ec2-user@ mv arbitrage_bot.zip arbitrage_bot ec2-user@ mv cd arbitrage_bot && unzip arbitrage_bot.zip

set up PyCharm, exclude necessary directories, map [local]/arbitrage_bot to <remote>/arbitrage_bot

Add environment variables to PyCharm run configuration.


  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: us-west-1

All of the env variables that the arbitrage_executer lambda uses. See the .tf file.