
A react boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

⚛️ React Boilerplate

🏃 Getting started

You can use this repo one of two ways.

  1. Clone the repo directly.
    • Change package.json to reflect new project you are working on.
    • Change git from pointing to this directory to point at your new project repo.
  2. Use generate-react-boilerplate generator to create a new react project that uses a new package.json and is not linked to this git repo. generate-react-boilerplate can be found here. Just follow the directions in the README.md.

🔢 Steps to get up an running

  1. If you cloned this repo from the generator tool generate-react-boilerplate you already have all the dependencies installed. If you cloned this repo directly you will have do an npm install in the root of your project.

  2. After the dependencies are installed you can run one of twelve different scripts that run tests, lint, create a build, or run webpack-dev-server for development.


npm run [local | dev | stage | prod]:server

This runs webpack-dev-server and serves the build on port 3000. Any changes to the source code will cause a hot-reload

Running Tests

npm run test

This uses mocha to run any files under the /src directory that has a name that end with **.test.js (example: NewComponent.test.js)


For linting .js files run

npm run lint

To auto-fix most errors run

npm run lint:fix

To lint sass files run

npm run lint:sass

Building for Deploy

npm run [local | dev | stage | prod]:build

Running for prod will minify and uglify the build files. It will also remove the source maps. All needed files will be saved to the /dist directory