Fligno Crash Course Python Files

This repo includes all the code found in the google slides and the facebook page upload bot for you to experiment and use.

Setup (Training Files)

You need these installed on your computer

  • Python 3
  • Pip
  • Flake8 (for linting)

Just open them with your favorite code editor of choice. Chances are they already feature a run button for your python code.

or you can run them via the terminal with python <filename.py>

Setup (Facebot)

Same requirements as above but with some additions

  • Python venv
  • Facebook API Token

In order to setup the bot.

  1. Install venv and navigate to the bot folder cd Facebot
  2. Start the venv via source ./venv/bin/activate
  3. Install pip packages from requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run via terminal with python main.py (assuming your default python version is > 3)

I hope you learned something from this TED talk.