
This is a sport domain repository which is used for automated planning of training units

Primary LanguageShell


This is sports domain repository which is used for automated planning of training units

The experiments have been run with a planner called LPG. The planner is third-party software therefor it is not provided in this repository, the planner can be downloaded for free on the official website of LPG at: http://zeus.ing.unibs.it/lpg/

Once you will have the lpg planner downloaded at the location of this repository on your local machine, you can run the problem with the following command: ./lpg -o sport_domain.pddl -f ProblemFiles/entry_athlete_problem.pddl -out entry_athlete_problem.SOL -n 1 -restarts 70


  • the sorting script is called FormateSolution.sh
  • to sort the solution run the sorting script with an argument of the solution location
  • the result of the sorting script can be found in the location of the script in the file "SortedSolution.txt"

Example: ./FormateSolution.sh /entry_athlete_problem.SOL