
Open Data repository of City of Houston employee roster. This is being placed here to preserve the unpublished open data record. and subsequent TPIA requests.


Open Data repository of City of Houston employee roster. This is being placed here to preserve the unpublished open data record. and subsequent TPIA requests.

This dataset contains a list of all current City of Houston employees with names, departments, positions, annual salaries, and various other employee details. Vacant positions are not included. Some employees included may be inactive employees but still occupy positions at the City. This may include employees on unpaid leave of absences, police officers in phase-down, and other various employment situations. Only individuals employed directly by the City are included; contractors and consultants are not included, nor are temporary staffers employed by temporary staffing agencies.

Data is reflective of all current employees as of the snapshot date column in the data.

Users are encouraged to review the metadata for more information on various fields. Employees in hourly positions have their bi-weekly pay calculated as full time employees - care should be taken in this regard.

Other Useful Links:

City of Houston Pay Structure: http://houstontx.gov/hr/compensation/pay_structure.html

City of Houston Job Classifications: http://www.houstontx.gov/hr/compensation/job-classifications.html

Performance Insight Personnel Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/views/PersonnelReport-WebEdition/PersonnelStoryboard?:embed=y&:display_count=yes&:showTabs=y&:showVizHome=no