Boilerplate for a webpack / koa based universal react app using babel, react-router, redux, styled components and typescript.
This is a WIP mainly for myself to try and learn more about building my own webstack for react / koa and typescript instead of just using create-react-app.
This boilerplate uses:
- Babel 7
- Commitlint
- Convict
- ESLint
- Husky
- Jest
- Koa
- Lint Staged
- Standard Release
- Styled Components
- Prettier
- React
- React Helmet
- React Router
- React Testing Library (instead of Enzyme)
- Redux
- Serverside Rendering (SSR)
- StyleLint
- Typescript
- Webpack
In no particular order
- Add hot module reloading
- Test deployment
- Fork and replace redux with apollo client
- Fork the apollo client version and add electron
- Update this file and other documentation
- PRs accepted - please don't use no verify to push your commits, if you break a test - fix it before commiting/pushing!
- Add tests if applicable
- Increase the version in your feature branch with "yarn release". This will create a version tag and update the change log. Don't forget to push the tag!
- Fill out PR template and use the checkboxes provided!
See the Change Log for latest changes