A test of GraphQL using the tutorials at: https://www.howtographql.com/react-apollo/
- Change directory to ./src/server
- Install packages
- Run "yarn start"
- Change directory to ./
- Install packages
- Run "yarn start"
- See also: https://www.howtographql.com/react-apollo/1-getting-started/
I used hooks and functional components instead of hocs and class components/apollo mutation/query components. I also added some quick output for loading/error states in a quick and dirty way, this is just a tutorial after all :)
The user name of the person who posted is not working - not sure if this is because I changed the FE as described above so posts always show Unknown as the user who posted, and I never cared to look into this - sorry! My primary goal for doing this tutorial was to learn more about GraphQl and subscriptions.