
Proxy with server socket handling

Primary LanguagePHP


Proxy with server socket handling


Connect when the plugin that will use the proxy is activated

NOTE: If you try to call the class without the library loaded, you will get an error. After adding DEVirion to depend, call the proxy class in the onEnable method.

protected function onEnable() : void{
	$this->proxy = libProxyThread::createMultiProxy($this, $address ?? "");

Register a Proxy Server

This proxy library can connect multiple servers

NOTE: receivePort must not be duplicated, sendPort is the receivePort of another proxy server.

$this->proxy->insert("lobby_multi_chat", new ProxyThread($this->multiProxy, 1000, (function(): Volatile{
	$volatile = new Volatile();
	$volatile[] = 1001; //skywars multi chat proxy port
	return $volatile;
$this->proxy->insert("skywars_multi_chat", new ProxyThread($this->multiProxy, 1001, (function(): Volatile{
	$volatile = new Volatile();
	$volatile[] = 1000; //lobby multi chat proxy port
	return $volatile;

Example Proxy Handling

When the chat is sent from the lobby server, it is also sent to the skywars server.

CHANNEL: lobby

public function onPlayerChatEvent(PlayerChatEvent $event): void{
			ProxyThread::KEY_IDENTIFY => "multi-chat",
			ProxyThread::KEY_DATA => ["format" => $event->getFormat()]

CHANNEL: skywars

public function onProxyReceiveDataEvent(ProxyReceiveDataEvent $event): void{
	$iterator = $event->getIterator();
	if($iterator->offsetGet(ProxyThread::KEY_IDENTIFY) !== "multi-chat"){
	$data = $iterator->offsetGet(ProxyThread::KEY_DATA);