
Spark Playground

Primary LanguageScala

Spark Playground

Spark Playground

Choosing Spark

spark.set can be set to a particular version of spark. It will bring with it the version of hadoop and aws sdk.

Downloading Data

Fetch airbnb data


Preparing Environment

Make a copy of .env.template and save it as .env. Update AWS key if not using minio. Start relevant containers like minio, hive, postgres depending on the properties in .env


create test bucket

./s3.sh mb s3://spark-by-example

Running Tests

Runs various read/write tests against each version of spark

./s3.sh ls s3://spark-by-example --recursive

View through http://localhost:9000/minio/spark-by-example/

Cleaning up

docker-compose down

Running against Hive and S3
