This is a recipe to create a Presto/Trino cluster with hive.
- Build Images
- Download Client
- Certificates
- Configure Environment/Secrets
- Test Trino Connectivity
- Setup S3 environment
- S3 Credentials
- Create Table in Hive with S3
- Queries using Hive
- Queries using Trino
- Access Control
- Querying with Superset
- Running with Envoy
Trino is a massively parallel processing engine that can be used to perform query federation in a modern open source data lakehouse setup. We are using the version of trino listed in It is referenced by the gradle build to create trino authorization and audit plugin jar. It is then used by the Makefile to build trino image as well.
If you do want to build your own images, update docker-compose.yaml to enable image: for hive and trino
make build
will build trino image.
While we have referenced to an already built hive image in docker-compose.yaml, you can build one and use your own image. Check hive/Dockerfile2 if you want to simply overlay the hive-authz jar on top of a apache-hive.
make build-hive
will build a hive image from scratch.
Note hive/Dockerfile relies on hive and hadoop binary to be available locally to save bandwidth for local builds. So if you download it once, the image build process will be faster as it will try to reuse it.
TRINO_VERSION=$(grep trinoVersion | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | xargs)
curl -s -o trino${TRINO_VERSION}/trino-cli-${TRINO_VERSION}-executable.jar
chmod +x trino
Generate keystore and truststore
keytool -genkeypair -alias trino -keyalg RSA -keystore certs/keystore.jks \
-dname "CN=coordinator, OU=datalake, O=dataco, L=Sydney, ST=NSW, C=AU" \
-ext san=dns:coordinator,dns:coordinator.presto,dns:coordinator.presto.svc,dns:coordinator.presto.svc.cluster.local,dns:coordinator-headless,dns:coordinator-headless.presto,dns:coordinator-headless.presto.svc,dns:coordinator-headless.presto.svc.cluster.local,dns:localhost,dns:trino-proxy,ip:,ip:,ip: \
-storepass password
keytool -exportcert -file certs/trino.cer -alias trino -keystore certs/keystore.jks -storepass password
keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias trino_trust -file certs/trino.cer -keystore certs/truststore.jks -storepass password -keypass password -noprompt
keytool -keystore certs/keystore.jks -exportcert -alias trino -storepass password| openssl x509 -inform der -text
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certs/keystore.jks -destkeystore certs/trino.p12 -srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass password -deststorepass password
openssl pkcs12 -in certs/trino.p12 -out certs/trino.pem
openssl x509 -in certs/trino.cer -inform DER -out certs/trino.crt
Let's start presto coordinator, presto worker, hive, postgres using docker-compose. Before starting it, please perform the following
cp .env.template .env
and put the secrets in .env file
Run ./
to substitute S3 and Postgres password in hive-site.xml
It is highly advisable that you update your /etc/hosts or equivalent file with the following host entries so we can use same DNS names inside docker as well as in your cli.
/etc/hosts: coordinator worker-1 worker-0 trino-proxy postgres
docker-compose up can be run using make up
Check the progress using make ps
and once all containers are up, navigate to https://localhost:8443/ui/ with credentials admin/password to view the presto UI.
Run make trino
with password as "password" to login to trino using the trino executable jar.
Here issue command like show catalogs;
to see all available catalogs for query.
show catalogs;
show schemas in tpch;
show tables in tpch.sf1;
select * from tpch.sf1.nation;
The same query can be run through rest URI
curl -k https://coordinator:8443/v1/statement/ \
--header "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=" \
--header "X-Trino-User: admin" \
--header "X-Trino-Schema: sf1" \
--header "X-Trino-Source: somesource" \
--header "X-Trino-Time-Zone: UTC" \
--header "X-Trino-Catalog: tpch" \
--header "User-Agent: trino-cli" \
--data "select * from nation"
create a s3 bucket for this project and upload test data to s3 bucket
replace endpoint-url if not running minio at all.
while read line; do if [[ ! "$line" =~ ^# ]]; then export $line; fi; done < .env;
aws s3 --endpoint-url http://localhost:9005 mb s3://my-trino-dataset
I used by google fit app data for this
aws s3 --endpoint-url http://localhost:9005 cp hive/sampledata.csv s3://my-trino-dataset/data/fit/load_date=2021-03-06/
also upload sample finance data to another slice in the same bucket
aws s3 --endpoint-url http://localhost:9005 cp --recursive hive/output s3://my-trino-dataset/data/finance/output
You should see something like this when you visit http://localhost:9001/ By default, you can provide minio/minio123 as credentials when accessing minio.
Study .env.template file or .env to check whether you are using minio in data or gateway mode.
Let's list the data in object storage to verify that the upload is successful
aws s3 --endpoint-url http://localhost:9005 ls s3://my-trino-dataset/data --recursive
In order to provide maximum flexibility and avoid secret sprawl, we are implementing a custom credential provider and reusing it for both Hive and Trino usage. This ensures our hive-site.xml and trino hive properties do not need to have sensitive information.
To avoid conflicts with environment variables and the default behaviour, we are using the following four environment variables to determine what our secret strategy is going to be. We could also provide these as XML string property in hive resource xml file.
String accessKey = System.getenv("STORE_KEY");
String secretKey = System.getenv("STORE_SECRET");
String identityFile = System.getenv("STORE_TOKEN_FILE");
String roleArn = System.getenv("STORE_ROLE_ARN");
Refer to in hive-authz project to view/change the credentials derivation strategy.
Next, login to hive and create the activity table. Register a new partition also
make hive-cli
#set bucket name as variable
set hivevar:bucket_name=my-trino-dataset;
use fitness;
activity_date date,
average_weight string,
max_weight string,
min_weight string,
calories float,
heart_points float,
heart_minutes float,
low_latitude float,
low_longitude float,
high_latitude float,
high_longitude float,
step_count int,
distance float,
average_speed float,
max_speed float,
min_speed float,
move_minutes_count int,
cycling_duration float,
inactive_duration float,
walking_duration float,
running_duration float
) PARTITIONED BY (load_date date)
LOCATION 's3a://${hivevar:bucket_name}/data/fit'
TBLPROPERTIES ("skip.header.line.count"="1");
ALTER TABLE activity
ADD PARTITION (load_date='2021-03-06') LOCATION 's3a://${hivevar:bucket_name}/data/fit/load_date=2021-03-06';
Create Delta Lake Table
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS finance.activity;
#Using spark delta generated manifest
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE finance.activity(
account string,
txn_id string,
merchant string,
category string,
last_updated timestamp,
deleted boolean,
txn_date date,
amount float
) partitioned by (version date)
LOCATION 's3a://${hivevar:bucket_name}/data/finance/output/activity/_symlink_format_manifest/';
MSCK REPAIR TABLE finance.activity;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS finance.activity_snapshot;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE finance.activity_snapshot(
account string,
txn_id string,
merchant string,
category string,
last_updated timestamp,
deleted boolean,
txn_date date,
amount float
) partitioned by (version date)
LOCATION 's3a://${hivevar:bucket_name}/data/finance/output/activity/_delta_manifest/';
MSCK REPAIR TABLE finance.activity_snapshot;
Just using hive, we can do the following queries as well.
use fitness;
select sum(step_count) as steps, sum(distance)/1000 as distance_in_kms from activity;
select year(activity_date), month(activity_date), sum(heart_points) as heart_pt, sum(step_count) as steps, sum(distance)/1000 as km
from activity
group by year(activity_date), month(activity_date);
make trino
show catalogs;
show schemas in hive;
show tables in;
select sum(step_count) as steps, sum(distance)/1000 as distance_in_kms from;
select year(activity_date) as year, month(activity_date) as month, sum(heart_points) as heart_pt, sum(step_count) as steps, sum(distance)/1000 as km
from activity
group by year(activity_date), month(activity_date);
View for relevant spark delta code There is pre delta 2.0 code and higher versions may have different API now.
select version, count(*)
group by version
order by version asc;
version | _col1 |
2021-03-02 | 15 |
2021-03-03 | 30 |
2021-03-05 | 45 |
2021-03-08 | 47 |
2021-03-09 | 50 |
There are 5 versions of the activity dataset for 5 date partitions. The last version has 50 records.
select count(*)
_col0 |
50 |
The activity table also contains the same number of records as the latest version. These records would be merged.
select account, count(*) as activity_count from
group by account;
As of version 2021-03-02, what was transaction id txn10
labelled as?
select * from
where version=cast('2021-03-02' as date) and txn_id='txn10';
account | txn_id | merchant | category | last_updated | deleted | txn_date | amount | version |
acc4 | txn10 | Prouds Jewellery | Jewellery | 2021-03-01 13:00:00.000 | false | 2021-03-02 | 189.0 | 2021-03-02 |
(1 row)
select * from
where version=cast('2021-03-09' as date) and txn_id='txn10';
account | txn_id | merchant | category | last_updated | deleted | txn_date | amount | version |
acc4 | txn10 | Prouds Jewellery | Fashion | 2021-03-07 13:00:00.000 | false | 2021-03-02 | 189.0 | 2021-03-09 |
What is the latest category of transaction id txn10
and when was it last updated?
select * from
where txn_id='txn10';
account | txn_id | merchant | category | last_updated | deleted | txn_date | amount | version |
acc4 | txn10 | Prouds Jewellery | Fashion | 2021-03-07 13:00:00.000 | false | 2021-03-02 | 189.0 | 2021-03-02 |
Acc5 bought something from Apple Store Sydney on 2021-03-05, how did the category for this transaction change over time?
select account, txn_date, category as latest_category, last_updated, txn_id
where account = 'acc5' and txn_date=cast('2021-03-05' as date) and merchant='Apple Store Sydney';
select account, txn_date, category as versioned_category, last_updated, txn_id
where version=cast('2021-03-05' as date) and account = 'acc5' and txn_date=cast('2021-03-05' as date) and merchant='Apple Store Sydney';
It was initially labelled as Hardware and later it got changed to Phone.
Let's create few users whose access will be configured in trino rules file.
htpasswd -C 10 -B -b -c security/passwords/password.db user1 password
htpasswd -C 10 -B -b security/passwords/password.db user2 password
htpasswd -C 10 -B -b security/passwords/password.db user3 password
htpasswd -C 10 -B -b security/passwords/password.db skhatri password
htpasswd -C 10 -B -b security/passwords/password.db admin password
Refer to security/rules/rules.json for configuration, the following table summaries the ACL by user.
User | Access |
user1 | finance.*,tpch,information_schema |
user2 | fitness.activity,tpch,information_schema |
user3 | finance.activity,tpch,information_schema |
skhatri | finance.*, fitness.*,tpch,information_schema |
admin | * |
Restart coordinator and worker-1 instances:
docker-compose stop worker-1
docker-compose stop coordinator
docker-compose start coordinator
docker-compose start worker-1
Let's login as user1 and explore their privileges.
./trino --debug --user=user1 --password --truststore-path=./certs/truststore.jks --truststore-password=password --server https://localhost:8443
While the show catalogs;
command lists the available catalogs. Listing schema in one of the catalogs like tpch will only show information_schema.
If we try to retrieve customer data from tpch.sf1, it will throw exception:
select * from tpch.sf1.customer limit 2;
As user1 does not have access to tpch, the query will return error
Query 20220507_183600_00046_z589m failed: Access Denied: Cannot select from table tpch.sf1.customer Access Denied: Cannot select from table tpch.sf1.customer
In rules.json we have the following permission:
"user": "user1",
"catalog": "hive",
"schema": "finance",
"table": ".*",
"privileges": [
We have granted user1 the access to query any table in schema finance of the catalog hive. Let's test this out.
show schemas in hive;
Schema |
finance |
information_schema |
show tables in;
So we can see finance schema for hive in the list of schema available here. While you can check the available tables with show tables in
let's use our prior knowledge of hive finance tables and query activity table.
select * from limit 2;
Yes, we can retrieve the data as user1
account | txn_id | merchant | category | last_updated | deleted | txn_date | amount | version |
acc2 | txn36 | Kathmandu Miranda | Clothing | 2021-03-04 13:00:00.000 | false | 2021-03-05 | 69.95 | 2021-03-05 |
acc3 | txn22 | Optus Phone | Phone | 2021-03-02 13:00:00.000 | false | 2021-03-03 | 40.0 | 2021-03-03 |
The rules.json can be reloaded periodically using security.refresh-period
when using File system access control. If using this
ACL in Kubernetes environment, it is possible to run a sidecar container along with coordinator which can fetch the file periodically
from git or remote resource. Refresh option is available for access control file as well as the passwords file.
Refer to trino-ext-authz folder for a external authz plugin that is based on default file system access control.
Possible extension areas can be calling Open Policy Agent server from the external authz plugin to determine or downloading rules json from a remote resource and caching it. A new yaml DSL can be maintained to keep rules simpler.
Setup a database in Superset using the following URL and connect params
Login to http://localhost:9000/ with admin/admin
Go to the screen to add a new database http://localhost:9000/databaseview/add and configure the following:
Field | Value |
Database | trino |
SQLAlchemy URI | trino://admin:password@coordinator:8443/hive |
Impersonate the logged on user | enable it |
Secure Extra | {"connect_args": {"verify": false}} |
Security | Paste content of ca.crt and trino.crt ```cat certs/ca.crt certs/trino.crt |
Click Test Connection to verify the configuration is ok. Once configured, open http://localhost:9000/superset/sqllab and execute
select *
limit 2
The query should return some data.
You can grant sql_lab role to other users using the link in superset http://localhost:9000/users/list/
Log out and try to login as user1 with password "password". Select data from
select *
limit 2;
This should result in successful query execution and with some data being displayed. Behind the scenes, trino driver sent impersonation header for user1 even though the connection is established with admin user.
Let's try query that user1 does not have access to run.
select *
from tpch.sf1.nation
limit 2;
The following error should be displayed when running the above query as user1.
Unexpected Error
base error: Access Denied: Cannot select from table tpch.sf1.nation
Impersonation configuration for superset queries is also present in security/rules/rules.json
"impersonation": [
"original_user": "(admin|dev)",
"new_user": ".*",
"allow": true
"original_user": "skhatri",
"new_user": "admin",
"allow": false
"original_user": "skhatri",
"new_user": ".*",
"allow": true
Note, you can also run the query via command line like so:
curl --cacert ./certs/trino.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=" \
--header "X-Trino-Source: trino-python-client" \
--header "X-Trino-Time-Zone: UTC" \
--header "User-Agent: trino-cli" \
--header "X-Trino-User: user1" \
--header "X-Trino-Catalog: hive" \
--header "X-Trino-Schema: fitness" \
--data "select * from" \
The query runs asynchronously and result is to be collected by the client by calling url returned as nextUri.
The below query is only for demonstration purpose and will fail. You will need to copy nextUri from output of the previous command.
curl --cacert ./certs/trino.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=" \
--header "X-Trino-Source: trino-python-client" \
--header "X-Trino-Time-Zone: UTC" \
--header "User-Agent: trino-cli" \
--header "X-Trino-User: user1" \
--header "X-Trino-Catalog: hive" \
--header "X-Trino-Schema: fitness" \
We will keep on calling nextUri
curl --cacert ./certs/trino.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=" \
--header "X-Trino-Source: trino-python-client" \
--header "X-Trino-Time-Zone: UTC" \
--header "User-Agent: trino-cli" \
--header "X-Trino-User: user1" \
--header "X-Trino-Catalog: hive" \
--header "X-Trino-Schema: fitness" \
The response is returned but it has access denied exception. This is valid as we are trying to impersonate "user1" who does not have access to
{"id":"20220507_202039_00316_z589m","infoUri":"https://coordinator:8443/ui/query.html?20220507_202039_00316_z589m","stats":{"state":"FAILED","queued":false,"scheduled":false,"nodes":0,"totalSplits":0,"queuedSplits":0,"runningSplits":0,"completedSplits":0,"cpuTimeMillis":0,"wallTimeMillis":0,"queuedTimeMillis":3,"elapsedTimeMillis":46,"processedRows":0,"processedBytes":0,"physicalInputBytes":0,"peakMemoryBytes":0,"spilledBytes":0},"error":{"message":"Access Denied: Cannot select from table","errorCode":4,"errorName":"PERMISSION_DENIED","errorType":"USER_ERROR","failureInfo":{"type":"","message":"Access Denied: Cannot select from table","suppressed":[]}
We will now remove the impersonation user and try the query again.
curl --cacert ./certs/trino.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=" \
--header "X-Trino-Source: trino-python-client" \
--header "X-Trino-Time-Zone: UTC" \
--header "User-Agent: trino-cli" \
--header "X-Trino-Catalog: hive" \
--header "X-Trino-Schema: fitness" \
--data "select * from limit 1" \
Clients like superset have the configuration to poll for response. In the background, they would also be calling nextUri just like we are.
call retrieve what is in nextUri
curl --cacert ./certs/trino.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=" \
--header "X-Trino-Source: trino-python-client" \
--header "X-Trino-Time-Zone: UTC" \
--header "User-Agent: trino-cli" \
--header "X-Trino-Catalog: hive" \
--header "X-Trino-Schema: fitness" \
Let's keep on calling nextUri for completeness.
curl --cacert ./certs/trino.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=" \
--header "X-Trino-Source: trino-python-client" \
--header "X-Trino-Time-Zone: UTC" \
--header "User-Agent: trino-cli" \
--header "X-Trino-Catalog: hive" \
--header "X-Trino-Schema: fitness" \
curl --cacert ./certs/trino.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=" \
--header "X-Trino-Source: trino-python-client" \
--header "X-Trino-Time-Zone: UTC" \
--header "User-Agent: trino-cli" \
--header "X-Trino-Catalog: hive" \
--header "X-Trino-Schema: fitness" \
The final response has the columns and data attributes.
Although trino has its plugin system for observability and acl, it is also possible to put envoy proxy on top of coordinator.
The benefits of this can be
- free observability through envoy
- possible ACL or additional rules applied enforced in envoy filter
- zero-downtime trino upgrades
- traffic load shedding based on user, time etc
Optionally, create trino-proxy certificate which can be configured for trino-proxy envoy instance.
./ trino-proxy
Install jq if you do not have it brew install jq
The below script uses trino-proxy to queue up the query and retrieves data by polling the response.
A file bash
has been created with the below content to make it easier for you to query against trino using curl and nextUri in a loop until data elements show up.
query="select * from limit 1"
next_uri=$(curl -s -k --cacert ./certs/trino-proxy/bundle.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n admin:password|base64)" \
--header "X-Trino-User: ${user}" --data "${query}" \
https://trino-proxy:8453/v1/statement/|jq -r '.nextUri')
while true;
curl -s -o out.json -k --cacert ./certs/trino-proxy/bundle.crt \
--header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n admin:password|base64)" \
--header "X-Trino-User: ${user}" \
cat out.json
data_val=$(cat out.json|jq -r '.data')
if [[ "${data_val}" != "null" ]];
echo "-----DATA------"
echo ${data_val}
echo "---------------"
next_uri=$(cat out.json|jq -r '.nextUri')
if [[ "${next_uri}" == "null" ]];
sleep 1;
Great, we have come to the end of the example. We created a data lake setup with trino, hive, minio and then queried it using superset. We also added an envoy proxy layer on top for observability. Obviously it works on my local laptop :), but if for some reason, things do not on yours, please raise an issue or get in touch.