
A Haxe library to build regular expression patterns

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


This library provides a human-friendly way to write complex regular expression patterns.

The patterns generated by this library always work with Unicode code points, even if the target is JavaScript or C#.

Php Python Java{6/7}/JVM C# Js/Node/ES{5/6} Interp Neko HashLink Lua CPP Flash


var pattern1 = (RxPattern.Char("a") | RxPattern.Char("b")).many();
var rx1:EReg = pattern1.build();
rx1.match("abaab"); // => true
var pattern2 = RxPattern.String("gr")
               >> (RxPattern.Char("a") | RxPattern.Char("e"))
               >> RxPattern.String("y");
var rx2 = pattern2.build();
rx2.match("grey"); // => true
rx2.match("gray"); // => true
var pattern3 = RxPattern.AtStart
               >> RxPattern.String("colo")
               >> RxPattern.Char("u").option()
               >> RxPattern.String("r")
               >> RxPattern.AtEnd;
var rx3 = pattern3.build();
rx3.match("color"); // => true
rx3.match("colour"); // => true
rx3.match("color\n"); // => false
rx3.match("\ncolour"); // => false
var wordStart = Category.L | RxPattern.Char("_");
var wordChar = wordStart | Category.N;
var word = wordStart >> wordChar.many();
var pattern4 = RxPattern.AtStart >> word >> RxPattern.AtEnd;
var rx4 = pattern4.build();
rx4.match("function"); // => true
rx4.match("int32_t"); // => true
rx4.match("\u3042"); // => true
rx4.match("24hours"); // => false


This library provides the following classes:

  • rxpattern.RxPattern
  • rxpattern.CharSet
  • rxpattern.Category

Basic Patterns

  • RxPattern.AnyCodePoint:RxPattern
    • Matches any Unicode code point, i.e. U+0000 to U+10FFFF (may or may not excluding surrogates).
  • RxPattern.Char(c:String):RxPattern
    • Matches a Unicode code point represented by the string c.
    • c must consist of a single code point.
  • RxPattern.String(s:String):RxPattern
    • Matches a string.
    • Special characters are escaped.
  • RxPattern.LineTerminator:RxPattern
    • Matches a line terminator.
    • The following sequence / characters are treated as a line terminator:
      • CR LF
      • CR
      • LF
      • U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR
      • TODO: Also include U+0085 NEL?
  • RxPattern.Empty:RxPattern
    • Matches an empty string.

Binary Operators

The variables pattern1 and pattern2 are of type RxPattern.

  • pattern1 >> pattern2
    • Matches the sequence of patterns.
  • pattern1 | pattern2
    • Matches pattern1 or pattern2.
  • pattern1.then(pattern2):RxPattern
    • Same as pattern1 >> pattern2.
  • pattern1.or(pattern2):RxPattern
    • Same as pattern1 | pattern2.
  • RxPattern.sequence(patterns:Iterable<RxPattern>):RxPattern
    • Applies >> to the elements of patterns.
    • Returns RxPattern.Empty if patterns is empty.
  • RxPattern.choice(patterns:Iterable<RxPattern>):RxPattern
    • Applies | to the elements of patterns.
    • Returns RxPattern.Never if patterns is empty.


The variable pattern is of type RxPattern.

  • pattern.option():RxPattern
    • Matches pattern or an empty string.
    • Equivalent to pattern | RxPattern.Empty.
  • pattern.many():RxPattern
    • Matches zero or more repetition of pattern.
  • pattern.many1():RxPattern
    • Matches one or more repetition of pattern.

TODO: Add methods for the quantifiers {m}, {m,} and {m,n}.


  • RxPattern.AtStart:RxPattern
    • Matches at the start of the string.
  • RxPattern.AtEnd:RxPattern
    • Matches at the end of the string.
  • RxPattern.LookAhead(pattern:RxPattern):RxPattern
    • Positive look ahead.
  • RxPattern.NotFollowedBy(pattern:RxPattern):RxPattern
    • Negative look ahead.
  • RxPattern.Never:RxPattern
    • Never matches anything.
    • Equivalent to RxPattern.NotFollowedBy(RxPattern.Empty).


  • RxPattern.Group(pattern:RxPattern):RxPattern
    • Creates a capture group.

Since non-capturing groups are automatically created when necessary, there is no function to explicitly create them.

Accessing Pattern String and EReg object

The variable pattern is of type RxPattern.

  • pattern.build(options = "u"):EReg
    • Build an EReg object with pattern.
  • pattern.get():String
    • Get the pattern string.
  • RxPattern.buildEReg(pattern:RxPattern, options = "u"):EReg
    • Same as pattern.build(options)
  • RxPattern.getPattern(pattern:RxPattern):String
    • Same as pattern.get()

Character Set

The variable charset is of type CharSet.

  • RxPattern.CharSet(set:CharSet):RxPattern
  • RxPattern.NotInSet(set:CharSet):RxPattern
  • CharSet.empty():CharSet
    • Returns an empty character set.
  • CharSet.singleton(c:String):CharSet
    • Returns a character set with one element c.
  • CharSet.fromString(s:String):CharSet
    • Returns a character set with elements from the string s.
  • CharSet.intersection(a:CharSet, b:CharSet):CharSet
  • CharSet.union(a:CharSet, b:CharSet):CharSet
  • CharSet.difference(a:CharSet, b:CharSet):CharSet
  • charset.has(c:String):Bool
    • The string c must consist of a single code point.
  • charset.add(c:String):Void
    • The string c must consist of a single code point.
  • charset.remove(c:String):Void
    • The string c must consist of a single code point.
  • charset.hasCodePoint(x:Int):Bool
  • charset.addCodePoint(x:Int):Void
  • charset.removeCodePoint(x:Int):Void
  • charset.codePointIterator():Iterator<Int>
  • charset.length:Int

Unicode General Category

This library provides RxPattern values corresponding Unicode general categories.

If Unicode properties (or, \p{} patterns) are available, they are used. Otherwise, patterns generated from the latest supported Unicode data in skial/seri will be used.

abstract Category {
    var Cc;
    var Cf;
    var Co;
    var Cs;
    var C;
    var Ll;
    var Lm;
    var Lo;
    var Lt;
    var Lu;
    var L;
    var Mc;
    var Me;
    var Mn;
    var M;
    var Nd;
    var Nl;
    var No;
    var N;
    var Pc;
    var Pd;
    var Pe;
    var Pf;
    var Pi;
    var Po;
    var Ps;
    var P;
    var Sc;
    var Sk;
    var Sm;
    var So;
    var S;
    var Zl;
    var Zp;
    var Zs;
    var Z;
    var Letter_UpperCase;
    var Letter_LowerCase;
    var Letter_TitleCase;
    var Letter_Modifier;
    var Mark_NonSpacing;
    var Mark_SpacingCombining;
    var Mark_Enclosing;
    var Number_DecimalDigit;
    var Number_Letter;
    var Number_Other;
    var Punctuation_Connector;
    var Punctuation_Dash;
    var Punctuation_Open;
    var Punctuation_Close;
    var Punctuation_InitialQuote;
    var Punctuation_FinalQuote;
    var Punctuation_Other;
    var Symbol_Math;
    var Symbol_Currency;
    var Symbol_Modifier;
    var Symbol_Other;
    var Separator_Space;
    var Separator_Line;
    var Separator_Paragraph;
    var Other_Control;
    var Other_Format;
    var Other_Surrogate;
    var Other_PrivateUse;

Raw Pattern Strings

The terms "Disjunction", "Alternative", "Term" and "Atom" correspond to the rules in Typical Regular Expression Syntax.

The variable pattern is of type RxPattern.

  • RxPattern.Disjunction(s:String):RxPattern
    • Returns a RxPattern value with given pattern string.
  • RxPattern.Alternative(s:String):RxPattern
    • Returns a RxPattern value with given pattern string.
    • The string s must be able to be used as an Alternative: that is, the pattern s + "a" matches s and the character a.
  • RxPattern.Term(s:String):RxPattern
    • Returns a RxPattern value with given pattern string.
    • The string s must be able to be used as a Term.
  • RxPattern.Atom(s:String):RxPattern
    • Returns a RxPattern value with given pattern string.
    • The string s must be able to be used as an Atom: that is, the pattern s + "*" does mean zero or more repetition of s.
  • pattern.toDisjunction():String
    • Returns a pattern string that can be used as a Disjunction. This is same as pattern.get().
  • pattern.toAlternative():String
    • Return a pattern string that can be used as an Alternative.
    • The string is surrounded by a non-capturing group if necessary.
  • pattern.toTerm():String
    • Return a pattern string that can be used as a Term.
    • The string is surrounded by a non-capturing group if necessary.
  • pattern.toAtom():String
    • Return a pattern string that can be used as an Atom.
    • The string is surrounded by a non-capturing group if necessary.


Typical Regular Expression Syntax

    Pattern ::= Disjunction
Disjunction ::= Alternative
              | Alternative "|" Disjunction
Alternative ::= ""
              | Alternative Term
       Term ::= Assertion
              | Atom
              | Atom Quantifier
  Assertion ::= "^" | "$"
              | "(?=" Disjunction ")"
              | "(?!" Disjunction ")"
 Quantifier ::= "*" | "+" | "?"
       Atom ::= PatternCharacter
              | "\" AtomEscape
              | CharacterClass
              | "(" Disjunction ")"
              | "(?:" Disjunction ")"


The file/library regenerate.js is created by @mathiasbynens. Core functionality was ported to Haxe, see utf16/RangeUtil.hx.