Webpage of the "Introduction to RNA-Seq: From quality control to pathway analysis - streamed" SIB course.
This website is generated with MkDocs, with the theme Material.
To host it locally, install MkDocs:
pip install mkdocs
and Material:
pip install mkdocs-material
Fork this repository and clone it to your local computer. Then, make the repository your current directory and type:
mkdocs serve
To host it locally.
Check it out with your browser at http://localhost:8000/.
For an automatically generated github page, you can run:
mkdocs gh-deploy
This will generate a webpage at: https://sib-swiss.github.io/RNAseq-introduction-training
You can cite this course material using :
Wandrille Duchemin, & Adam Smith. (2022, September 5). sib-swiss/RNAseq-introduction-training: Course 01-09-2022. Zenodo.