This is a Unity PureMVC framework contains pureMVC only and there is nothing else.
Model is singleton instance contains all references to proxies.
View is singleton instance contains all references to mediators.
Controller is singleton instance contains all references to commands.
Facade is singleton instance either. This is the only entrance to access Model/View/Controller.
Command is a class which contains program logic. Receive and send notification. Mediator is a class which contains viewComponent and manipulates it. Receive and send notification. Proxy is a class which contains data and manipulates it. Proxy send notification only.
Register command with a notification in Facade. Now the command we just registered can receive notification. We may register mediator and proxy in command or Facade.
In this case we make a following process flow : Command -> Execute ->Register Proxy and Mediator-> Proxy send notification -> Mediator receive notification
public class StartUpCommand : PureMVC.Patterns.SimpleCommand {
public override void Execute(PureMVC.Interfaces.INotification notification)
Debug.Log("Execute StartUpCommand");
//Register proxy and mediator
Facade.RegisterProxy( new SampleProxy("proxyName" ) );
Facade.RegisterMediator (new SampleMediator("mediatorName"));
SampleProxy proxy=Facade.RetrieveProxy ("porxyName) as SampleProxy;
//Call function to SendNotification
proxy.CallFunc ();
//SampleMediator shoud receive notification and execute HandleNotification function
public class SampleProxy : Proxy,IFWProxy{
public static string NAME="sampleProxy";
private SampleModel sm=new SampleModel(0,"name");
public SampleProxy ()
public SampleProxy(string proxyName):base(proxyName)
public SampleProxy(string proxyName,object data):base(proxyName,data)
public override void OnRegister ()
Debug.Log ("SampleProxy OnRegister");
public override void OnRemove ()
Debug.Log ("SampleProxy OnRemove");
public void CallFunc()
Debug.Log ("SampleProxy Callfunc");
SendNotification (Notification.SMAPLE_NOTIFICATION,1);
public class SampleMediator : Mediator, IFWMediator{
public static string NAME="smapleMediator";
private IList<string> notificationList=new List<string>();
public SampleMediator()
init ();
public SampleMediator(string mediatorName):base(mediatorName)
init ();
public SampleMediator(string mediatorName,object viewComponent):base(mediatorName,viewComponent)
init ();
private void init()
public override void HandleNotification(INotification notification)
Debug.Log ("Receive "+notification.Name);
public override IList<string>ListNotificationInterests()
return notificationList;
public override void OnRegister()
Debug.Log (MediatorName+ " OnRegister.");
public override void OnRemove ()
Debug.Log (MediatorName+ " OnRemove.");