
Primary LanguageRuby


#Getting started / Initial setup 0. cd into the panik repo folder $cd /path/to/panik

  1. Install Ruby Version Manager (rvm) Stable Version $\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
  2. Install Ruby version 2.1.1: $rvm install ruby-2.1.1
  3. Install Bundle $sudo gem install bundle
  4. Run $bundle install
  5. If you run into an error with installing mysql, run $brew install mysql
  6. Install Pow for Rails $curl get.pow.cx | sh
  7. Run $ln -s ~/Documents/panik kutorable
  8. Start your MySQL server $mysql.server start
  9. Create db $rake db:create
  10. Run db migrations $rake db:migrate
  11. Run $rake db:seed
  12. Run $rvm gemset use global
  13. Run $bundle install

db:seed issues

  1. mysql -u root
  2. use panik_development
  3. truncate traffic_sources; 4 . exit and run db:seed