
Profiles for people who use The Skiff

Primary LanguagePython



To clone the repo::

git clone git@github.com:skiffhack/Skiff-Profiles.git

To setup::

virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute --python=python2.6 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python settings/secrets_template.py  # Get a new secret key
# Create settings/secret.py and add "SECRET_KEY = {generated secret key}"

To run the project::

source env/bin/activate
manage.py syncdb
manage.py migrate
manage.py runserver

To run the tests::

manage.py test

Database Migrations

Check out the South documentation and tutorial

To create a new migration after changing models.py::

manage.py schemamigration assetcloud --auto

To apply new migrations::

manage.py migrate assetcloud

To list all migrations (and see which have not yet been applied)::

manage.py migrate --list


Templates are based on Twitter Bootstrap.