
A prototype for the idea of pay-to-learn with live video, which is totally different from online course or Webex, etc.

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Create python virtual environment for Flask and other run time environment by virtualenv environment --no-site-packages. If flask has already been installed, or you are okay with flask being installed in the system, please ignore this step.
  2. Activate the environment by source environment/bin/activate; deactivate by deactivate.
  3. Install Flask by pip install flask.
  4. Install the database by either running the function in dao.py (line #16), or build the table by yourself (the table structure has been in schema.sql).
  5. Start server by python flaskr_view_controller.py.
  6. To delete the temporary run time environment, simply delete /environment folder.

Preinstalled Test Data

  1. There are already 6 users, from test1@test.com to test6@test.com with all same password 123456.
  2. There are already 2 live sessions in the database, belongs to test1 user and test4 user.