
Motoko testing library to run tests with mops

Primary LanguageMotokoMIT LicenseMIT

Motoko Testing

Easy way to write tests in Motoko and run them with mops test.

The library supports Mops Message Format v1.0.



mops add test --dev


Put your tests in test directory in *.test.mo files.

Use test and suite functions in conjunction with assert expression.

Run mops test to run tests.

Simple test

import {test} "mo:test";

test("simple test", func() {
    assert true;

test("test my number", func() {
    assert 1 > 0;

Test suites

Use suite to group your tests.

import {test; suite} "mo:test";

suite("my test suite", func() {
    test("simple test", func() {
        assert true;

    test("test my number", func() {
        assert 1 > 0;

Skip test

Use skip to skip tests.

import {test; skip} "mo:test";

skip("this test will never run", func() {
    assert false;

test("this test will run", func() {
    assert true;

Async tests

If there are awaits in your tests, use functions from mo:test/async.

import {test; suite} "mo:test/async";

await suite("my async test suite", func() : async () {
    await test("async test", func() : async () {
        let res = await myAsyncFn();
        assert Result.isOk(res);

    test("should generate unique values", func() : async () {
        let a = await generate();
        let b = await generate();
        assert a != b;


import {test; expect} "mo:test";

Expect consists of a number of "matchers" that let you validate different things.

Compared to assert, in case of fail expect shows you the details of the values.

For example assert:

assert myNat == 1;
// execution error, assertion failure

We only know that myNat is not equal to 1, but what is the actual value of myNat? To know this, we have to add a new line Debug.print(debug_show(myNat)).

but with expect:

// execution error, explicit trap:
// ! received 22
// ! expected 1

here we see the actual value of myNat

expect.nat (nat8, nat16, nat32, nat64, int, int8, int16, int32, int64)

import {test; expect} "mo:test";

expect.nat(x).equal(10); // x == 10
expect.nat(x).notEqual(10); // x != 10
expect.nat(x).less(10); // x < 10
expect.nat(x).lessOrEqual(10); // x <= 10
expect.nat(x).greater(10); // x > 10
expect.nat(x).greaterOrEqual(10); // x >= 10

expect.int(x).equal(10); // x == 10 (Int)
expect.int64(x).equal(10); // x == 10 (Int64)
expect.nat32(x).equal(10); // x == 10 (Nat32)


expect.char(c).equal('a'); // c == 'a'
expect.char(c).notEqual('a'); // c != 'a'
expect.char(c).less('a'); // c < 'a'
expect.char(c).lessOrEqual('a'); // c <= 'a'
expect.char(c).greater('a'); // c > 'a'
expect.char(c).greaterOrEqual('a'); // c >= 'a'


expect.text(foo).equal("bar"); // foo == "bar"
expect.text(foo).notEqual("bar"); // foo != "bar"
expect.text(foo).contains("bar"); // Text.contains(foo, #text("bar"))
expect.text(foo).startsWith("bar"); // Text.startsWith(foo, #text("bar"))
expect.text(foo).endsWith("bar"); // Text.endsWith(foo, #text("bar"))"

expect.text(foo).less("bar"); // foo < "bar"
expect.text(foo).lessOrEqual("bar"); // foo <= "bar"
expect.text(foo).greater("bar"); // foo > "bar"
expect.text(foo).greaterOrEqual("bar"); // foo >= "bar"


// optional Nat
let optNat = ?10;
expect.option(optNat, Nat.toText, Nat.equal).equal(?10); // optNat == ?10
expect.option(optNat, Nat.toText, Nat.equal).notEqual(?25); // optNat != ?25
expect.option(optNat, Nat.toText, Nat.equal).isNull(); // optNat == null

// optional custom type
type MyType = {
    x : Nat;
    y : Nat;

func showMyType(a : MyType) : Text {

func equalMyType(a : MyType, b : MyType) : Bool {
    a.x == b.x and a.y == b.y

let val = ?{x = 1; y = 2};

expect.option(val, showMyType, equalMyType).notEqual(null);
expect.option(val, showMyType, equalMyType).isSome(); // != null
expect.option(val, showMyType, equalMyType).equal(?{x = 1; y = 2});


type MyRes = Result.Result<Nat, Text>;

func show(a) = debug_show(a);
func equal(a, b) = a == b

let ok : MyRes = #ok(22);
let err : MyRes = #err("error");

expect.result<Nat, Text>(ok, show, equal).isOk();
expect.result<Nat, Text>(ok, show, equal).equal(#ok(22));

expect.result<Nat, Text>(err, show, equal).isErr();
expect.result<Nat, Text>(err, show, equal).equal(#err("error"));
expect.result<Nat, Text>(err, show, equal).equal(#err("other error"));


expect.principal(id).isAnonymous(); // Principal.isAnonymous(id)
expect.principal(id).notAnonymous(); // not Principal.isAnonymous(id)

expect.principal(id).equal(id2); // id == id2
expect.principal(id).notEqual(id2); // id != id2

expect.principal(id).less(id2); // id < id2
expect.principal(id).lessOrEqual(id2); // id <= id2
expect.principal(id).greater(id2); // id > id2
expect.principal(id).greaterOrEqual(id2); // id >= id2


expect.bool(x).isTrue(); // a == true
expect.bool(x).isFalse(); // a == false
expect.bool(x).equal(b); // a == b
expect.bool(x).notEqual(b); // a != b


expect.array([1,2,3], Nat.toText, Nat.equal).equal([1,2,3]);
expect.array([1,2,3], Nat.toText, Nat.equal).notEqual([1,2]);

expect.array([1,2,3], Nat.toText, Nat.equal).contains(3); // array contains element 3
expect.array([1,2,3], Nat.toText, Nat.equal).notContains(10); // array does not contain element 10

expect.array([1,2,3,4], Nat.toText, Nat.equal).size(4);


expect.blob(blob).size(4); // blob.size() == 4
expect.blob(blob).equal(blob2); // blob == blob2
expect.blob(blob).notEqual(blob2); // blob != blob2

expect.blob(blob).less(blob2); // blob < blob2
expect.blob(blob).lessOrEqual(blob2); // blob <= blob2
expect.blob(blob).greater(blob2); // blob > blob2
expect.blob(blob).greaterOrEqual(blob2); // blob >= blob2


Does not catch traps.

func myFunc() : async () {
    throw Error.reject("error");

func noop() : async () {
    // do not throw an error

await expect.call(myFunc).reject(); // ok
await expect.call(noop).reject(); // fail