The purpose of this project is to display two options to an authenticated user and let the choose what they "would rather".
After cloning this repo you will need to run npm install
to downlad package dependencies.
Then you can run yarn start
to run the application.
A user will have the ability to perform the following functions:
- Select a user to authenticate as.
- View available questions. these can filtered as All, Answered, or Unanswered.
- Add a new question to the list of questions.
- Answer questions that are currently unanswered.
- View a leaderboard showing all users and their ranking based on questions submitted plus questions answered.
This application is made up of the following components
- App
- Dashboard
- Home
- Leaderboard
- Nav
- NewQuestion
- Question
- QuestionPage
- UserSelect
- ViewQuestion
This application uses a random ID generator function that was found here