
Sublime Text - configuration and installation (Linux & OSX)

Primary LanguageRuby


The subl repo contains a chef-solo based installer for Sublime Text 2. This is for sharing my own personal module and keybinding preferences between OSX and ubuntu desktops. Updates can be made on either platfrom and then shared by pushing back up to github.

Recovering Emacs Users

I have used emacs for the past 15 years, rectangle edits, kbd macros, snippets, TAGS you name it. This editor has all those and more and its alot faster. The sublemacspro package gets you most of the standard emacs keybindings but its worth checking out a few of the videos at the URL below to understand how to use multi-select and some other power features that will be new to emacs cognescenti.

Sublime Text Video Tutorials

Install Ruby Version Manager

$ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

Bootstrap chef

Bootstrap installs rubygems from source and the chef gem. This script only need be run once to configure ruby and chef appropriately.

> ./bootstrap.rb


The installer will bootstrap chef-solo if necessary and the run 'chef-solo -c solo.rb -j install.json' from the kitchen directory

> ./install.rb

Note the message below message is a harmless bug in the current ohai gem and can safely be ignored.

sh: 1: Permission denied"



  • PackageControl
  • Alignment
  • AdvancedNewFile
  • SublimeREPL (+pry gem for ruby)
  • JSFormat
  • StackOverflowSearch
  • ActionScript3
  • sublemacspro
  • Vagrant


In the event that you add new packages or keybindings the push recipe will tar up the current state of sublime on either platform and push it to github

> ./push.rb


OSX and linux keybindings are shared. The keybindings are linux defaults with overrides largely definded by sublemacspro (i.e. very emacs like). User overrides are tabulated below.

Keybinding Command Keybinding Command
super+d Select word super+i toggle overwrite
super+l Select line cntrl+shift+w close all tabs
super+shift+b Bash shell super+shift+r ruby interpreter shell
ctrl+tab Next tab super+m Maximize window
ctrl+0 Sidebar focus

OSX Specific

Keybinding Command
super+shift+. toggle hidden files

Userful commands

Open the command menu with super+shift+p

Package Command
Project Add Folder
Markdown Preview in Browser



Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0