
🍍- A multi-purpose Discord client written in Javascript with 42 commands and a highly optimised web application with control over the application's settings. Eres is running on over 34 servers, we invite you to try it out and hope you enjoy it!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🍍 A multi-purpose Discord client written in Javascript with 42 commands and a highly optimised web application with control over the application's settings. Eres is running on over 34 servers, we invite you to try it out and hope you enjoy it!

📂 Content

🌐 Deployment & Features

Deployment support is not here yet! This repository is only for github imigration purposes.

  • ☑️ Modular features with optional congifuration.
  • ☑️ Experience system with levels and xp.
  • ☑️ Popular canva design for rank and profile command.
  • ☑️ Web application (dashboard) for optional configuration settings.
  • ☑️ Multi-lingual support (available languages: English, Romanian).
  • ☑️ Modern tehnologies for web app (nodejs, express, mongodb, tailwindcss, etc).
  • ☑️ Music player for mass-usage (DJ Role setting on dashboard).

⌨️ Node start guide

git clone https://github.com/skillzl/eres
cd eres-main

npm install
node deploy (before running bot.js, so the slash commands can be loaded) 

npn run start [cls && node bot.js] or nodemon

🖼️ Dashboard UI

Tip: Visit this repository to check out the latest version available.

🚀 Envoirement settings

## Discord Application Token

## Mongoose Connection String

## Discord Application Unique Identifier

## Dicord Application Secret Key => (used for dashboard authentication)

## Listening Port for web-server
PORT= (e.g: 3000)

## Callback Url for web-server => (also applied in discord.com/developers settings)
CALLBACK_URL= (e.g: http://localhost:3000/login)

## Support server Url

## Unique identifier developer

## Unique identifier webhook for bug reports

## Unique token webhook for bug reports

## Analytics unique identifier (for analytics)

## Domain
DOMAIN= (e.g: localhost:3000 => if used locally)

## api.skillzl.dev unique key (visit api.skillzl.dev for key)

## Custom youtube cookie (for 419 rate limits)

## api.eres.fun unique key (visit api.eres.fun for key)

## GitHub Personal Token => (used for github integration /admin/panel)

## Replicate API Key (replicate.com for key)

Note: Envoirement settings need to be in a ".env" file.

📈 Analytics

Use this feature to know exactly how many people are using the bot. This feature requires the ANALYTICS_ID to be set. To get your _id from the mangoose database, follow this tutorial I made real quick!

Analytics Tutorial

😃 Emojis

If you want to use custom emojis, you can do it here. Eres project emojis are stored in assets: assets/emojis (import them to your Discord server) To change emojis you can do it here: functions/Emojis (currently those emojis are from Eres - 🍍 Discord server, so you need to change with yours)

🔐 License

This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🙋‍♂️ Contributors

Don't hesitate to make a pull request if you have any suggestions, bugs or just want to add more features.