
A chef cookbook for installing the scout agent

Primary LanguageRuby


Installs the agent for Scout, a hosted server monitoring service. This recipe:

  • Installs scoutd, the Scout monitoring daemon
  • Runs scoutd

Supported Platforms

The following platforms are supported by this cookbook, meaning that the recipes run on these platforms without error:

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Red Hat
  • CentOS
  • Fedora
  • Scientific
  • Amazon


  • scout - The default recipe.

Required Attributes


The agent requires a Scout account and the account's associated key. The key can be found in the account settings tab within the Scout UI or in the server setup instructions. The key looks like: 0mZ6BD9DR0qyZjaBLCPZZWkW3n2Wn7DV9xp5gQPs

Default value: nil

If the [:scout][:account_key] attribute is not provided the scout agent won't be installed but all other parts of the recipe will execute.

Optional Attributes


Optional hostname to uniquely identify this host to Scout.

Default value: nil


Optional name to display for this node within the Scout UI.

Default value: nil


An Array of roles for this node. Roles are defined through Scout's UI.

Default value: nil


An Array of plugin gem dependencies to install. For example, you may want to install the redis gem if this node uses the redis plugin. Each entry in the array can be the name of a gem, or an array specifying the arguments required to install a specific version of a gem. For example, the following configuration will install the latest version of the redis gem: node[:scout][:plugin_gems] = ['redis'] This configuration, on the other hand, will install version 3.2.1: node[:scout][:plugin_gems] = [%w(redis --version 3.2.1)]

Default value: nil


The full path to a ruby executable or rvm wrapper which will run the Scout Ruby code and where the gem dependencies will be installed. If installing under a user based RVM install, you should also set the :user and :group options in :gem_shell_opts (see below). Example: :rvm_wrapper => "/home/vagrant/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.3-p547"

Default value: nil


A hash of valid MixLib::ShellOut options. The recipe shells out to the gem command for installing gems. You can set things like the user/group to shell out as, shell environment variables such as $PATH, etc.

Default value: nil


Scout agent version to install. nil installs the latest release.

Default value: nil


If you use self-signed custom plugins, set this attribute to the public key value and it'll be installed on the node.

Default value: nil


The environment you would like this server to belong to, if you use environments. Environments are defined through scoutapp.com's web UI.

Default value: nil


Hash. Used to generate a plugins.properties file from string values or encrypted data bag items. For example, "haproxy.password" => "foobar" will create an entry "haproxy.password=foobar" in the plugins.properties file. Alternatively, "haproxy.password" => {"encrypted_data_bag" => "shared_passwords", "item" => "haproxy_stats", "key" => "password"} will create a plugins.properties entry with "haproxy.password=PASSWORD" where PASSWORD is an encrypted data bag item "haproxy_stats" in encrypted_data_bag "shared_passwords" with key "password".

Default value: {}


If true, will run a shutdown script to remove the server from Scout when the server is shutdown.

Default value: nil


If true, will install the correct archive.scoutapp.com repository based on the hosts platform. Only disable if you have the scoutd package hosted in a repository already installed on the host.

Default value: true


If speficied, the account_key will be loaded from the given encrypted data bag. (Note: must also specifiy [:scout][:key][:item_name])

Default value: nil


If speficied, the account_key will be loaded from the given encrypted data bag item under the account_key value in the bag. (Note: must also specifiy [:scout][:key][:bag_name])

Default value: nil


Contact Scout (support@scoutapp.com) with any questions, suggestions, bugs, etc.

Authors and License

Additions, Modifications, & Updates:

Author: Derek Haynes (support@scoutapp.com) Copyright: 2013, Scout https://github.com/scoutapp/chef-scout

Author: Drew Blas (drew.blas@gmail.com) Copyright: 2012, Drew Blas https://github.com/drewblas/chef-scout_agent


Author: Seth Chisamore (schisamo@gmail.com) Copyright: 2010, Seth Chisamore https://github.com/schisamo/chef_cookbooks

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.