
A test project for my interviews with better mortgage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Better Mortgage Chat

A branded prototype chat client per the given spec.


Run the full express server:

npm install && npm run server

Use the following commands to run it through a parcel development server. Note that images won't be rendered as they're served from a /images endpoint in express server (see next command).

npm install && npm start

Any recent version of node and npm should work, I'm on node@12.13.0 and npm@6.13.6 via nvm.


Here's the architecture + some rationale for each piece of it.

  • Bundler(ParcelJS): Zero config makes this repo easier for others to pick up.
  • Styles(Inline): Simple and we didn't need much for such small app.
  • Animations(ReactSpring): Clean and simple animations without much overhead.
  • Structure: Fairly flat with just enough structure to maintain readability.

If we were to scale this project I might consider another more robust bundler like webpack, though I have to say I'm really liking parcel so far for its simplicity and ease of use. It would also be worth considering something like NextJS or Gatsby that abstracts away more of the SSR bits.

Currently, the development server supports hot reloading but still wipes react state as we're not using react-hot-loader. That would be an easy-ish integration though it may be better to just wait for (or jump to) the next version of parcel which includes fast refresh.

I would on the other hand, almost definitely utilize something like emotion for CSS in order to address inline specificity issues and DOM bloat. I'm somewhat on the fence about CSS in JS but I'll definitely admit that it's growing on me, mostly for scoping reasons.

Lastly, I'd utilize jest both for integration and unit tests. I wanted to write some basic tests based on the spec, but ran out of time (quite busy between work, family, and this job search). I may come back to this just for kicks/practice once I can find the time.