
Kanso package with build steps for precompiling .jade html templates

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Add jade-precompiler to your dependencies section in kanso.json.

  "dependencies": {
    "jade-precompiler": null,

run kanso install to fetch the package

To tell the precompiler which jade files to transform, add a section called jade to kanso.json and put in the files you want to process.

  "jade": {
    "compile": [ "pages/about.jade", ... ]

Running kanso push will compile pages/about.jade to pages/about.html and upload it to _attachments/pages/about.jade.

The compile property can be:

  • "folderA" or path/to/file.jade the name of a single file or a folder containing files to compile,
  • [ "folderA", "sub/folderB", "path/to/file.jade"] a list of files or folders to compile,
  • true to instruct the compiler to process all .jade files anywhere in the kanso project.

###Parameters The settings defined in kanso.json will be made available to the templates. And since kanso is able to overwrite these settings depending on your kanso push target in .kansorc, your templates can take the target into account, too.

Given we have these files:


  { "name": "myapp"
  , "version": "0.0.1"
  , "description": "jade-precompiler show off"

  , "dependencies": 
    { "jade-precompiler": null

  , "jade": 
    { "compile": [ "index.jade" ]

  , "use_cdn": true


  exports.env = 
      { 'default': 
        { db: '' 
        , overrides:
          { use_cdn: false

      , 'production': 
        { db: 'http://user:p4ss@doma.in:5984/myapp'
        , overrides:
          { name: "My Jade Showoff App"

Used with a template containing these lines,

doctype 5
    title= name
    h1 Welcome
      p main content goes here

    if use_cdn
        window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="javascripts/libs/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"><\\/script>')

on kanso push the jade-preprocessor will yield

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <div id="container">
        <p>main content goes here</p>
      <script src="javascripts/libs/jquery-1.7.2.min.js">

on kanso push production however, it will produce

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>My Jade Showoff App</title>
    <div id="container">
      <p>main content goes here</p>
    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="javascripts/libs/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"><\\/script>')</script>


The jade-preprocessor can be told to compress the output through the compress flag (internally, jade refers to this as the pretty flag, but we stick to the more canonical compress, just like in the less- and stylus- precompilers).

  "jade": {
    "compile": [ ... ],
    "compress": true

Note: consider using the overrides property in your .kansorc to set the compress flag according to your push target like so:

  exports.env = 
      { 'default': 
        { db: '' 
        , overrides: 
          { use_cdn: false
          , jade:
            { compress: false         // never compress for this environment

      , 'production': 
        { db: 'http://user:p4ss@doma.in:5984/myapp'

        , overrides: 
          { name: "My Jade Showoff App"
          , jade:
            { compress: true          // always compress for this environment

Removing original .jade files

You can also remove any .jade files from attachments (if you placed them inside a directory also added as static files), by adding the remove_from_attachments property. This will remove all attachment with a .jade extension!

  "jade": {
    "compile": [ ... ],
    "remove_from_attachments": true

Rewrite paths

If you use a directory structure for your jade templates that doesn't fit whats expected you can use rewrites. It could be, for example, that you need to strip out the first folder name. The rewrites list should be a list with find,replace pairs where the find string will be treaded as a regular expression.

   "jade": {
     "compile": [ "pages/index.jade" ],
     "rewrites": [
       [ "pages/", "" ]

This would remove the leading "pages/" from the compiled files so you end up with just "index.html" instead of "pages/index.html"