
A simple util library that you pass a libacfutils pid_ctl_t to to get visual output the PID's behavior.

Primary LanguageC


A simple utility library to help visualizer the behavior of PID controllers. This is meant to be used together with libacfutils's pid_ctl_t facility. See acfutils/pid_ctl.h for more details on the implementation.

To use pidvisualizer, you simply call pidvis_new with a short name (which will be shown as the name of the PID controller in the window's title), a pointer to the pid_ctl_t you wish to visualize and an optional mt_cairo_uploader_t (see acfutils/mt_cairo_render.h for that, or pass NULL if you don't want to use an async uploader). This will give you a pid_vis_t object. You can then call pidvis_open to open the window. The PID visualizer continuously samples the PID controller 30x per second, even if the window isn't visible. If you want to destroy the PID visualizer when the window is closed, call pidvis_is_open to determine if the user has closed the window and call pidvis_destroy to destroy the visualizer completely.