
Spring Transaction Processing Service with Spring-Boot

Primary LanguageJava

To set up: Ensure that Java 8 path is set From package home, run ./mvnw clean package -X (flag for details) From package home, run java -jar target/amex-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Congiguration changes will need to be made to run on server including configuring server or container to have ports open For more-user friendly experience, access these endpoints from a front-end webapplication on shared or distinct hosting

For Authentication, I would use one of the following methods: Without using db: https://kariera.future-processing.pl/blog/exploring-spring-boot-and-spring-security-custom-token-based-authentication-of-rest-services-with-spring-security-and-pinch-of-spring-java-configuration-and-spring-integration-testing/ Using db: https://www.javadevjournal.com/spring/securing-a-restful-web-service-with-spring-security/

Authentication disabled due to token issue. Developer recommendation: Build this in GO or Java using PLAY framework.
