
This repo consists of aditya verma youtube channel code for different section.

Primary LanguageC++


This repo consists of aditya verma youtube channel code for different section, I am still working this soon it will be updated fully, This repo I made for the purpose of revision Time and space complexity will be updated for all programs.

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Dynamic Programming

S.No Problem Handwritten Notes Time Space
1 Knapsack Recursion 📘 O(2^n) O(1)
2 Knapsack Memoization-Top-Down 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
3 Knapsack Bottom-Up(DP) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
4 Subset sum(Knapsack Variation) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
5 Equal sum partition(subset sum & Knapsack Variation) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
6 Count of Subsets with given Sum(subset sum & Knapsack Variation) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
7 Minimum subset sum difference 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
8 Count the number of subset with given difference 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
9 Target sum(Leetcode) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
10 Unbounded Knapsack 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
11 Rod cutting problem(Unbounded Knapsack) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
12 Coin change problem : maximum no of ways 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
13 Coin change problem: Minimum number of coin 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
14 Longest Common Subsequence Recursive 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
15 Longest Common Subsequence Top down (Memoization) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
16 Longest Common Subsequence Bottom Up(DP) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
17 Longest Common Substring 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
18 Print Longest Common Subsequence 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
19 Shortest Common Supersequence 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
20 Minimum insertion & deletion to convert a to b 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
21 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
22 Minimum number of deletions to make a string palindrome 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
23 Print Shortest Common Supersequence 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
24 Longest repeating subsequence 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
25 Sequence pattern matching 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
26 Minimum Number of insertion to make a string palindrome 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
27 Matrix Chain Multiplication Recursive 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
28 Matrix Chain Multiplication Top Down (Memoization) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
29 Palindrome Partitioning Recursive 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
30 Palindrome Partitioning Memoization 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
31 Palindrome Partitioning Memoized optimization 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
32 Evaluate Expression to true Recursive 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
33 Evaluate expression to true memoization using map 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
34 Evaluate expression to true memoization using 3d array 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
35 Scramble string recursive 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
36 Scramble string Top Down 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
37 Egg dropping problem recursive 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
38 Egg dropping problem Top Down(memoization) 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
39 Egg dropping problem memoization optimization 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
40 Dynamic programming on trees Syntax 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
41 Diameter of binary tree 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
42 Max path sum from any node to any 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)
43 Max path sum from leaf to leaf 📘 O(N*W) O(N*W)


S.No Problem Handwritten Notes Time Space
1 Nearest greater to right 📘 O(n) O(n)
2 Nearest greater to left 📘 O(n) O(n)
3 Nearest smaller to left 📘 O(n) O(n)
4 Nearest Smaller to right 📘 O(n) O(n)
5 Stock span problem 📘 O(n) O(n)
5 Maximum Rectangular Area in a Histogram 📘 O(n) O(n)
6 Max area rectangle in Binary matrix 📘 O(n) O(n)

Binary Search

S.No Problem Handwritten Notes Time Space
1 Binary Search 📘 O(logn) O(logn)
2 Binary search on reverse sorted array 📘 O(logn) O(logn)
3 Order not known or Agonostic BS 📘 O(logn) O(logn)


S.No Problem Handwritten Notes Time Space
1 Kth smallest element 📘 O(n log k) O(n log k)
2 Kth largest element in an array 📘 O(n log k) O(n log k)
3 Nearly Sorted Algorithm or sort k sorted array 📘 O(n log k) O(n log k)

Sliding Window

S.No Problem Handwritten Notes Time Space
1 Maximum Sum Subarray of size K 📘 O(n) O(1)
2 First negative integer in every window of size k 📘 O(n) O(K)